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Hillsborough document release


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Yes there were tragic events which caused this but someone subsequently lied to cover their ass, pension, career, life out of jail.


Then to add insult to injury they put nasty slurs on the dead innocent.


re. this and post 325 compared to your earlier posts; are there two of you?

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Oh by the way Mr Sidebottom, if my child was knocked over then we would have to look at the evidence, and by the way my Mother was working near the ground that day and there were quite a few fans that had had a drink, and were late going into the match.


That happens at every match. In fact it even happens at Midnight Masses on Christmas Eve up and down the country too. But guess what? Nobody needs to die because of it.

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Yes, we now have evidence that senior government figures were misinformed by senior police officers and by others. The question that remains, however, is how closely did they question any of the police intelligence and advice they received and, indeed, how closely did they want to question it?






Thatcher KNEW that SYP were telling a pack of lies, which raises all sorts of questions about why the government did nothing.

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Oh by the way Mr Sidebottom, if my child was knocked over then we would have to look at the evidence, and by the way my Mother was working near the ground that day and there were quite a few fans that had had a drink, and were late going into the match.


You have just completely contradicted your argument. Today is about looking at the evidence. All of the evidence. Evidence that has not been available before. So I'm glad you now agree that this process had to take place, and no blame whatsoever was placed on Mr Hicks.

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karlo 998, no, no notebooks just incompetent hospital staff, But we don't live by the code Where there's blame there's a Claim.


Right, so 116 coppers, government ministers and a pliant media weren't involved in killing your grand daughter, then stealing her blood to see if she was drunk, then tell lies about her to blame her for her own death. So your grand daughter is not really relevant.

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If you go down a tunnel into the pens, you expect there to be space. So you walk forwards. With a large mass of people it doesnt take much in the way of pressure on each person to create a very large pressue on the persons at the front. The people at the back didn't know there was a problem, the people at the middle just thought it was a bit cramped (but they'd soon get into the pens) the people at the exit of the tunnel though "wow these pens are full" and it's very cramped, please stop pushing and the people at the front by then had so many little pushes piling up on them that they were past thinking much of anything at all.


No one individually is to blame in that.


Now, those who told them where to go, without checking that it was safe, they bear a great deal of responsibility for the consequent outcome.


This is why the work collegue says the fans played a part. The stewards were trying to direct fans but they were just pushing through and not listening. A lot of mistakes that day and if the police etc had just held their hands up and said mistakes were made then maybe there wouldn't of been any need for the campaigning by relatives.

Anyone that played a part in covering the mistakes by tampering with evidence etc should be punished, ets hope that happens

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re. this and post 325 compared to your earlier posts; are there two of you?


Today was about justice for the 96 fans who died inside, those injured, and all their families.


I still feel there are some outside the stadium are not blameless.


I've seen the phrase "JFT96" everywhere today, not "exonneration for every Liverpool fan in Sheffield".

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