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Hillsborough document release


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Those that made the decisions to change statements and hide from the truth should be ashamed and brought to Justice.


Let me be clear that I'm pro-police and not anti-police. What happened on the day was a disaster which came about due to a number of factors (incl poor policing, planning, fans etc). Wrong decisions were made on the day by some. But for me this could have happened at many stadiums and by any police force. Some will have to live with decisions on the day, but people are human despite what happens.


But what happened since was disgusting and I can see why the police are criticised. But remember that Plice Officers on the day completed the statements, the top rank (possibly after consultation with other agencies) changed certain aspects of them. The cops on the ground didn't.


I've read many comments on forums aimed at cops today, from bent, murderers, pigs etc. These are wrong. Cops have a hard job, save lives and dont deserve this. Focus should be on those high up many years ago as rightly if a person (or cop) supplied an incorrect statement today they could and should face the court.

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I don't refute the fact that the ground cops made grave errors on the day or that upper management altered documents after the fact. Those that ordered this need to be held accountable.


However I do have a problem with the fact that this inquiry absolves the fans of ANY & ALL wrong doing. In fact for me it's a DISGRACE to those innocents that died on the day to even suggest that the tragedy was all the fault of the police/ground staff.


I also have a problem with this being called an independant inquiry with the HEAD of it being FROM Liverpool.


I don't care who or what the background, for an truly independant inquiry no-one on the panel should have had any vested interest or link to either city.

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There is a generation of football fans who probably wouldn't believe the zoo-like conditions the average football fan had to put up with pre-Hillsborough. Every fan, young lad, old fella was deemed a trouble-maker by this country's police forces. I was verbally threatened by Nottinghamshire Constabulary for walking on the road during an escort from The County Ground to the railway station as we, like sheep, were herded in a frankly insulting manner.


You constantly had to face a volley of phlegm and missiles when travelling to and from football grounds. Cars got kicked, coach windows smashed and there was a constant fear that things could 'kick off' at any given minute.


The grounds themselves were like open-air prisons. Crumbling concrete stands where fans were penned in by cages - many erected after the Heysel Stadium tragedy on 1985. The ban on alcohol being served inside English football grounds followed. This meant many a fan, myself included, used to wait till the last minute to enjoy another pint before making their way to the crappy, cold, uninviting ground. No wonder crowds at the Lane fell beneath 8,000.


So it would be no surprise whatsoever for South Yorkshire Police to look upon the travelling hoards making their way to Hillsborough on that stunningly beautiful spring morning as anything other than a bunch of hooligans. Lads hell-bent on getting as wrecked as possible. Treat 'em like cattle; they're used to that.


And that's why so many made their way to the game at the last minute. It had become the norm by then. Even at a trashy little ground like Springfield Park, Wigan, in a crowd of probably 3,000 - an ambulance had been cleverly positioned next to the exit gates. The crush to get out of the ground was awful. I believe that was a deliberate ploy. I was crushed on Leppings Lane terrace in 1985 when Man U played. I was in the away end (and no, I'm not a fan) right in front of that tunnel and probably right up against one of the barriers which helped snuff out an innocent person's life.


What I'm saying is: fans were treated like crap. It was pay-back time for the police; let's ruffle a few of these yobboes up.


The evidence coming to light about changed notes, made-up stories, vile accusations and other vulgar things comes as no surprise whatsoever. And that's why we've had to wait 23 years because the authorities - all huddled together - think we've all got short memories.


Young girls, the first to get to the ground on that day with no alcohol in their systems whatsoever were crushed to death my the (in)actions of South Yorkshire Police. I can't pervert the course of justice nor can you. So it is only right that every policeman forced to change his notes should also stand trial along with his senior officers, along with everyone else from the then government down and right to the journalists who spouted lie after lie.

Edited by Ousetunes
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If you are a Sheffielder and you do not feel tainted by all this, I despair. If you do not understand how these truths impact on us as Sheffielders then I can understand, but please, stop trying to take away from other people that do actually understand, a level of shame. It's mistaken and not needed on this forum, you are only going to show us in a worse light than is already evident.


Its shameful and it need addressing, the sooner the better.

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I don't refute the fact that the ground cops made grave errors on the day or that upper management altered documents after the fact. Those that ordered this need to be held accountable.


However I do have a problem with the fact that this inquiry absolves the fans of ANY & ALL wrong doing. In fact for me it's a DISGRACE to those innocents that died on the day to even suggest that the tragedy was all the fault of the police/ground staff.


I also have a problem with this being called an independant inquiry with the HEAD of it being FROM Liverpool.


I don't care who or what the background, for an truly independant inquiry no-one on the panel should have had any vested interest or link to either city.


Are you accusing the The Right Reverend James Jones, Bishop of Liverpool, of not being unbiased and independant in the way he has viewed the documents available to him and the rest of the panel?


What exactly is your problem with their findings regarding Liverpool fans? Have you spotted something in the 450,00 pages of documents that they missed, or do you have access to information that they did not have which implicates Liverpool fans?

Edited by Coxy
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If you are a Sheffielder and you do not feel tainted by all this, I despair. If you do not understand how these truths impact on us as Sheffielders then I can understand, but please, stop trying to take away from other people that do actually understand, a level of shame. It's mistaken and not needed on this forum, you are only going to show us in a worse light than is already evident.


Its shameful and it need addressing, the sooner the better.


What should I personally, as a Sheffielder, reproach myself for about the Hillsborough disaster pray tell?

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What should I personally, as a Sheffielder, reproach myself for about the Hillsborough disaster pray tell?


Lets take a good, long, hard look at that very question, shall we ? I suspect you will not and are indeed, only asking the question to get into an argument, an argument you believe is appropriate.



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Its a pity you start your post with a couple of parting shots that could only be described as, misplaced, at best, I will call them argumentative. The rest of your post implies you have some level of intelligence, as such though, its equally depressing that you have given little thought to the implications and even complications of a whole generation that have grown up, using and I would offer, looking up, to the very people that had driven these lies and lived them for 23 years. To think any other way is just simple minded IMHO.




Your post is shameful, it is patronising to say a whole generation aren't intelligent enough to make their own minds up about this!

You seem he'll bent on stirring up Ill feeling towards the decent people of this great City.


ILeave it alone now, you're just making matters worse..:(

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Your post is shameful, it is patronising to say a whole generation aren't intelligent enough to make their own minds up about this!

You seem he'll bent on stirring up Ill feeling towards the decent people of this great City.


ILeave it alone now, you're just making matters worse..:(


96 innocent people died, how can I make it any worse ?


Im sorry any who have to read these forum entries from people who obviously do not understand.



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If you are a Sheffielder and you do not feel tainted by all this, I despair. If you do not understand how these truths impact on us as Sheffielders then I can understand, but please, stop trying to take away from other people that do actually understand, a level of shame. It's mistaken and not needed on this forum, you are only going to show us in a worse light than is already evident.


Its shameful and it need addressing, the sooner the better.


I'm 65 yr old, born and bred in Sheffield, proud of my City and everything about it, how dare you tell me that I ought to feel " shame" over this terrible situation..stop talking now as you're making a fool of yourself..:rant:

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