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Hillsborough document release


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It's not really about the death of 90 odd people with you is it? it,s really about your inbred hatred of anybody that does not agree with your cloth cap view of politics! What has the reference to miners got to do with this discussion let alone Margaret Thatcher!Your posts display bankcruptcy of any worthwhile contribution to the subject discussed!



Even The S*n mention SYP, Thatcher and the miners...

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It's not really about the death of 90 odd people with you is it? it,s really about your inbred hatred of anybody that does not agree with your cloth cap view of politics! What has the reference to miners got to do with this discussion let alone Margaret Thatcher!Your posts display bankcruptcy of any worthwhile contribution to the subject discussed!


Do read this and come back and comment. It is why the connection with the miners is made.


They lied and fabricated evidence in much the same way. Endemic you might say. And written well before the full story was known.



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Fair dos Karlo...lots of them would have been on the pitch doing what they could to help the fans and victims.

The rank and file copper must have been bewildered,not one on the pitch would have experienced anything like this in their lives.

It's the higher ups that need bringing to book along with Patnick.


Its interesting that you try to smear Patnick. Having read his testimony he merely reported what he had been told by the police along with the caveat that he couldn't confirm it to be true. Even the Sun journalist who wrote up the story was appalled with the spin the Sun put on this.


But whatever he was an accessory after the fact. The lives had already been lost.


Perhaps you should try pointing a finger at Clive Betts. He ran Sheffield Council at the time, and it was they that turned a blind eye to the lack of safety certificate at Hillsborough, the inadequacy of the policing and the lack of ambulance cover. They were accessories before the fact and their negligence cost 96 lives. Had the council acted properly and not failed in its duty no lives would have been lost.

Edited by Anna Glypta
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I believe Hots On was implying that, as well as the Liverpool fans, he also believes the Labour Party somehow to be responsible because the grounds didn't have a valid safety certificate issued by the council which was controlled by Labour.


Is the DVLA responsible for accidents caused by people without valid driving licenses?



The DVLA would be responsible if they knowingly condoned people driving without valid documents. The match took place in Shefield, and unlike the DVLA the council control what happens here. I know you would like to muddy the waters but the council knew the ground had no safety certificate but chose not to do anything about it.

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I believe Hillsborough did have a safety certificate, it was deemed invalid by the Taylor report into the disaster, when it was identified that alterations had been made to parts of the Leppings lane terracing in the 1980s and the safety certificate had not been updated.




Again hindsight is a wonderful thing, the ground would probably have had no problem getting the safety certificate updated as the pens had been put in place without any consideration for the likelihood of them overcrowding. The pens were only useful if and when the terrace was shared by rival fans, so as to keep them apart, as was the case at most football grounds in the country at that time.





Edited by Michael_W
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The guy is oin his his eighties now; are the justice campaigners going to lower themselves by hounding him?



:hihi::hihi::hihi:LOWER THEMSELVES!!!!!:hihi::hihi::hihi:



Despite being the victims; having their loved ones brutally and callously snatched from them, being patronised, lied to and slandered by the police, politicians, media, and others with axes to grind and arses to cover, the justice campaigners are the ONLY ones in this DISGRACEFUL SCANDAL who have conducted themselves in exemplary fashion. Yet YOU accuse THEM of 'lowering themselves' if they pursue their RIGHTFUL claim for JUSTICE after 23 years of not just the truth being kept from them, but lies allowed to stand unchallenged, painful lies that go all the way from the bottom to the top in a web of deceit and corruption. This is a NATIONAL DISGRACE and those in the positions of utmost trust, appointed to serve and protect the public, need to be FINALLY brought to account.


Mr Patnick may be in his eighties; John Paul Gilhooley, didn’t get to see his 11th Birthday, the campaigners have spent the last 23 years of their lives trying to get the truth – something they were automatically entitled to, but was denied them.


The police, authorities, media, politicians have learned NOTHING from Hillsborough, they are still a law unto themselves: News International, Millie Dowler, Leveson, anyone?


EVERYONE should be backing these families now, so that those in a position of trust are finally brought to account.


And ANYONE that would begrudge the families a penny in compensation whilst heaven knows how many people involved in that day in an official capacity have been enjoying fat salaries and pensions for years, from police officers to FA officials to members of the media, cannot be human.


I do not include those with a conscience in the above, like Debra Martin, who had the courage and compassion to do the right thing and come forward. How ironic it is that she is just the kind of person we need in our police force but who can blame her for wanting out after how her colleagues treated her? Now SHE DOES deserve a DAMEHOOD, like Trevor Hicks and Margaret Aspinall.

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I do not include those with a conscience in the above, like Debra Martin, who had the courage and compassion to do the right thing and come forward. How ironic it is that she is just the kind of person we need in our police force but who can blame her for wanting out after how her colleagues treated her? Now SHE DOES deserve a DAMEHOOD, like Trevor Hicks and Margaret Aspinall.


absolutely. I hope she got the thanks and recognition she deserved especially from the Hillsborough families.

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I have read most of the opinions on here, some make sense, others not so. I was there on that day, we had tickets for the north stand. walking up Leppings Lane we approached the ground at 2.45 there were hundreds of fans milling about, some were sat on the low front walls of the terraced houses drinking cans of beer some drinking vodka from the bottle. I remember a mounted policeman coming over to some of them and said "come on lads it's quarter to three, time to be making your way in now." None of them moved or took any notice.Why? because none of them had a ticket. We got to the turnstile and went straight through, no queue. When we went up to our seats the stand was almost full. Full of people who had arrived on time with a ticket and entered the ground in an orderly manner, the majority being from Liverpool. Same applies to the unfortunate fans on the west terrace who had tickets.

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Well the truth is out. Now comes justice. With courage. About time. I hope the complicit are able to stand up and admit it. Unfortunately rats like patnick, bettison etc can face the sun even with the mark of Cain burned into their forheads.

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