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Hillsborough document release


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I agree, but wasn't that in response to the repeated pitch invasions of the 70s and 80s ? Wasn't it a fact that some supporters (Leeds Utd I'm looking at you) started invading the pitch any time it looked like thier team was going to lose.


Yes it was indeed,and liverpool played there part aswell,but it just reminds you of how bad football fans were treat back then,yes summat needed doing but what a barbaric solution that was.

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This will now open up the biggest can of worms ever, SYP now proved to be liars, serious question coming up.


Can the following also be prosecuted as they must have lied at least to a degree, Thatcher, SWFC, Thatcher will have been protecting her "bully" boys for the work they did on the miners.


Not so sure with the SWFC bit, but she will have known there was a cover up & she should be prosecuted as well, don't care if she's ill; she's a liar & this proves it beyond all doubt.


This will rumble on for years to come, mark my words.


If the Martians landed it would be her fault according to you and rest of the loony left.

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Hillsbourgh has staged many semi-finals in the past with far bigger crowds that were present on that day, using the same turnstiles. 60,000 plus was not uncommon, everyone entering the ground in a proper manner without getting crushed and resorting to gatecrashing.


They were overseen by a different police commander was perhaps the reason.

O/T has 75000 every match without incident.

The F.A. must have had knowledge that the ground had had barriers fitted without safety inspections by the authorities,yet chose to turn a blind eye.

Stewards statements state there was no one in authority to guide the fans into the other pens.

It was a mass of unfortunate circumstances that unfortunately came together on the fateful day.

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I have never seen any reports of problems of fans having trouble

getting in at Penistone Road end of the ground.

Were all the turnstiles in working order, did all the fans arrive early.

Perhaps someone who entered the ground from the Kop end could enlighten us

Edited by bazjea
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It is a petty, bitter dig at SWFC and the Tories.


Stop being so touchy, the Owls stadium was brought in to it in the PMs speech. the council, police, goverment, the Owls and many others have all contributed to the disaster and the awful cover ups and silences.


Of course the Owls are going to be brought in to the posts, but have been brought up far less than the police, yet you dont call the posts bitter digs at the police !!


This is not an Owl topic. Its about justice and less you have forgot the dead and their family and friends.

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I have never seen any reports of problems of fans having trouble

getting in at Penistone Road end of the ground.

Were all the turnstiles in working order, did all the fans arrived early.

Perhaps someone who entered the ground from the Kop end could enlighten us


I was in the north stand that day, the kop looked pretty full. More on kop than west stand, maybe if LFC fans were given the kop things might have been different.

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