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Hillsborough document release


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In recent days on TV, I saw the account of a supporter who was 15 years old at the time. He said the man next to him saved his life, as he was about to sink to a pocket of space to give him more room, but the man next to him warned him he would be gone if he did this. At the same time a man in front of him, who the fan now had his back to, as he had become twisted around, was begging him to give him more space, as he was having a heart attack. There was nowhere for the 15 year old to go, no way of allowing the man in front of him more space. Are you suggesting the 15 year old should be held responsible for the older fan's death? Or are you prepared to accept the truth that has now finally come out?


I am NOT saying that those in front or even in the region of those who died were responsible. I am thinking more of the ones at the back.

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Im sorry that I have to bring this point up, but who DID kill the poor victims then? AFAIK, and I assume the report confirms this, the fans died of crush related injuries. To have such injuries must indicate that someone crushed them. Whilst the police were responsible for a great deal of contributary factors they were not the ones who did the "crushing" surely?


If you go down a tunnel into the pens, you expect there to be space. So you walk forwards. With a large mass of people it doesnt take much in the way of pressure on each person to create a very large pressue on the persons at the front. The people at the back didn't know there was a problem, the people at the middle just thought it was a bit cramped (but they'd soon get into the pens) the people at the exit of the tunnel though "wow these pens are full" and it's very cramped, please stop pushing and the people at the front by then had so many little pushes piling up on them that they were past thinking much of anything at all.


No one individually is to blame in that.


Now, those who told them where to go, without checking that it was safe, they bear a great deal of responsibility for the consequent outcome.

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In recent days on TV, I saw the account of a supporter who was 15 years old at the time. He said the man next to him saved his life, as he was about to sink to a pocket of space to give him more room, but the man next to him warned him he would be gone if he did this. At the same time a man in front of him, who the fan now had his back to, as he had become twisted around, was begging him to give him more space, as he was having a heart attack. There was nowhere for the 15 year old to go, no way of allowing the man in front of him more space. Are you suggesting the 15 year old should be held responsible for the older fan's death? Or are you prepared to accept the truth that has now finally come out?


I saw the same program and saw the despair in the eyes of the police officer who described how he tried to give mouth to mouth resuscitation to a young boy as coins were being thrown onto him.......I hope he carries also no guilt or responsibility for his actions that day.

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it has been proven that the wrong gate was opened. Crowd management dictated that the two side gates should have been opened


I think we're also conveniently forgetting that unseated terraces meant people fell downhill and tripped into those in front of them. Are you blaming those people too?


I was asking a question not apportioning blame.

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I saw the same program and saw the despair in the eyes of the police officer who described how he tried to give mouth to mouth resuscitation to a young boy as coins were being thrown onto him.......I hope he carries also no guilt or responsibility for his actions that day.


I wonder how many people there could so much as get a hand in a pocket, let alone throw the contents

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