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Hillsborough document release


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I was asked today, by a Sheffielder, a friend of mine, in her seventies, if I would post something for her, as she does not have access to the internet....


"Sheffield's top brass have brought shame on Sheffield, and as well as apologising to the Hillsborough Families they should be apologising to Sheffielders for bringing shame on our city."

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When all the people including the police, emergency services and others have been rightly dealt with under the law let us not forget that there are guilty people walking around Liverpool who have nobody to answer to but their conscience and hopefully crack under the pressure someday. If we are to have justice let it be for all.
A lot of people would agree with that, but as them people have now been officially told they're totally blameless, that never going to happen.


It reads on here that a lot of people have deep issues against the police, and if the verdict of this 'independent' panel had gone the other way, they'd still be arguing against it. To me and a lot of others this report smacks of let's try and give them what they want, draw a line and move on. Some people are going to have to fall on their swords to achieve this. It was a catalogue of errors from start to finish, but no-one set out to make what happened happen. There's got to be room for some understanding and mercy somewhere. So long after the events this just seems like a witch hunt.


We can only wish these families peace, love and healing, that they can now grieve and move on with their lives, let their loved ones rest in peace. For the sake of their own karmic health, if nothing else.

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A lot of people would agree with that, but as them people have now been officially told they're totally blameless, that never going to happen.


It reads on here that a lot of people have deep issues against the police, and if the verdict of this 'independent' panel had gone the other way, they'd still be arguing against it. To me and a lot of others this report smacks of let's try and give them what they want, draw a line and move on. Some people are going to have to fall on their swords to achieve this. It was a catalogue of errors from start to finish, but no-one set out to make what happened happen. There's got to be room for some understanding and mercy somewhere. So long after the events this just seems like a witch hunt.


We can only wish these families peace, love and healing, that they can now grieve and move on with their lives, let their loved ones rest in peace. For the sake of their own karmic health, if nothing else.


I wonder if it's possible for you to be a tad more patronising to the mothers who said goodbye to their children, entrusting their safety to South Yorkshire Police, never for them to return.


A witch hunt? Fighting to find out the truth about how their loved ones died for 23 years? I think you'd be better occupying yourself with your own "karmic health".

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I wonder if it's possible for you to be a tad more patronising to the mothers who said goodbye to their children, entrusting their safety to South Yorkshire Police, never for them to return.


A witch hunt? Fighting to find out the truth about how their loved ones died for 23 years? I think you'd be better occupying yourself with your own "karmic health".

I've never once thought when I've been at a match that I was 'entrusting' my safely to the police. Do you? Especially in the time when this all happened, the whole thrust was containing the hooligan element not ensuring its safety. As a kid at the time, and seeing it unfold on TV, but now an adult, I doubt I would have taken a child into that environment anyway.


We all feel sorry for the families, but if we're going to have the 'truth' let's have the whole truth and nothing but the truth, it might make uncomfortable reading for some, but it's the only right way. And if the report verdict had turned out differently, would you still be agreeing with it?


My karmic health is fine, I don't spend my time ill wishing people who went to work and were caught up in a maelstrom not of their own choosing like some of you. I wish you peace and healing, brother.

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A lot of people would agree with that, but as them people have now been officially told they're totally blameless, that never going to happen.


It reads on here that a lot of people have deep issues against the police, and if the verdict of this 'independent' panel had gone the other way, they'd still be arguing against it. To me and a lot of others this report smacks of let's try and give them what they want, draw a line and move on. Some people are going to have to fall on their swords to achieve this. It was a catalogue of errors from start to finish, but no-one set out to make what happened happen. There's got to be room for some understanding and mercy somewhere. So long after the events this just seems like a witch hunt.


We can only wish these families peace, love and healing, that they can now grieve and move on with their lives, let their loved ones rest in peace. For the sake of their own karmic health, if nothing else.


everyone i spoke too has got the same opinion as this

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I wonder if it's possible for you to be a tad more patronising to the mothers who said goodbye to their children, entrusting their safety to South Yorkshire Police, never for them to return.


A witch hunt? Fighting to find out the truth about how their loved ones died for 23 years? I think you'd be better occupying yourself with your own "karmic health".


was the panel really independent?

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I've never once thought when I've been at a match that I was 'entrusting' my safely to the police. Do you? Especially in the time when this all happened, the whole thrust was containing the hooligan element not ensuring its safety. As a kid at the time, and seeing it unfold on TV, but now an adult, I doubt I would have taken a child into that environment anyway.


We all feel sorry for the families, but if we're going to have the 'truth' let's have the whole truth and nothing but the truth, it might make uncomfortable reading for some, but it's the only right way. And if the report verdict had turned out differently, would you still be agreeing with it?


My karmic health is fine, I don't spend my time ill wishing people who went to work and were caught up in a maelstrom not of their own choosing like some of you. I wish you peace and healing, brother.


If you've attended matches and not realised that you were putting your personal safety in the hands of the police, then I can only presume that you have a limited sense of awareness or have only attended boys or Sunday league matches.


Who is this 'we all'? Who are you speaking for?


We have had the truth. An independent panel went through thousands of pieces of evidence over a period of 18 months. Do you know something that they don't? Can you bring some new evidence to the table that will make mockery of their findings? If so, please share it. And while you're at it, if you could tell me where I've wished ill to any of our public servants or officials who were jointly responsible for 96 deaths of the innocent, please feel free to share that too.


I'm sorry that the truth does not fit in with 'your view' of things. It must be quite vexing, as your 'aura' is showing.

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Sensible comments from Natjack.

It was a terrible tragedy that overtook many people ,but in the broadest sense it was an accident in that no one intended harm .

I am sure that with the benefit of hindsight many involved would have done things differently ,including some fans.

The witch hunt comes with the likes of Nick Clegg demanding an explanation for the comment from a former SY Police Officer "that the fans made the policing more difficult "

Surely that is a pretty obvious and innocuous statement but much is being made of it.

The ensuing cover up demands action,because examination of the true facts nothing can be done to prevent the same mistakes recurring.

I am sure that there would have been political and legal input into the stance that was taken by the authorities ,and to be a "whistle blower" in such circumstances is easier said than done.

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