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Hillsborough document release


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Was there actual evidence of this?

SYP, SWFC and Sheffield City Council seem to be the actual culprits.


i recall in the news at the time an off licence near the ground being totally ransacked by Liverpool fans before the game, the police had no choice but to stop a likely crush outside when confronted by hoards of fans, some but not all, ticketless, its documented.

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i recall in the news at the time an off licence near the ground being totally ransacked by Liverpool fans before the game, the police had no choice but to stop a likely crush outside when confronted by hoards of fans, some but not all, ticketless, its documented.


It does seem as though this was the choice facing those in charge - open the gate or have people crushed outside.


The dear error was that no plans appear to have made to then signpost the late fans once they got through the gates (although there are statements that this was attempted by some stewards who were ignored).

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It does seem as though this was the choice facing those in charge - open the gate or have people crushed outside.


The dear error was that no plans appear to have made to then signpost the late fans once they got through the gates (although there are statements that this was attempted by some stewards who were ignored).


i agree but hindsight is a wonderful thing but will do nothing in this situation or any other, the blame should be shared equally.

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i agree but hindsight is a wonderful thing but will do nothing in this situation or any other, the blame should be shared equally.


and nor should every police officer be tarnished


this article discusses a 19 year old special constable:



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The fans were late due to road works on the m62, the crowd starting building up outside at 2-30, still enough time to get them in.


Duckenfield didnt know how to control a large crowd, Hillsborough was not fit for purpose, he panicked and ordered the exit gate to be opened.

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The fans were late due to road works on the m62, the crowd starting building up outside at 2-30, still enough time to get them in.


Duckenfield didnt know how to control a large crowd, Hillsborough was not fit for purpose, he panicked and ordered the exit gate to be opened.


When I entered the north stand at 2.45 it was full of Liverpool fans, there was no queue, did they all take a different route?

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Hillsborough was chosen because of it being one of the best grounds at the time,yes faults have come to light since the tragedy, but the main fault being enforced pens and fences treating fans like cattle,all brought about due to the hooligans of the 70s and 80s which liverpool fans certainly contributed.Having signs/stewards directing fans away from the central pen would have been pointless,once that pen was full it should have been closed.

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I think the problem is that we have had differing version of the truth over the last 23 years - and it can hardly be surprising that people question the independence of a panel which was headed up by the Bishop of Liverpool.


Who is questioning the latest report? certainly not the Goverment,the police,SWFC or the FA.


The strartling findings of the report have been accepted and apolgised for by the partys at fault.


Some of the latest revelations have been shocking, but have been acepted by the above as the truth (at last) , Wht else would they show remorse?

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The fans were late due to road works on the m62, the crowd starting building up outside at 2-30, still enough time to get them in.


Duckenfield didnt know how to control a large crowd, Hillsborough was not fit for purpose, he panicked and ordered the exit gate to be opened.


Referring to your earlier post there were I believe 23 turnstiles for 24000 Liverpool fans but they were all accessed from the Leppings Lane end of the ground,as opposed to 60 turnstiles for the rest of the crowd accessible from the Kop and South Stand. they had some of the Norh stand seating.

I don't think anyone is saying that most of the fans ,whether from Liverpool or Nottingham were drunk or ticketless,but some were.

The case against the police and politicians for the subsequent cover up is damning enough without denying some of the truth of what happened that day.

There was a crush outside the ground for whatever reason,and the decision to open the exit gate was a fateful one.

We will never know what would have happened if the gate had not been opened but I am sure that many officers and others would have acted differently with the benefit of hindsight.

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