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Hillsborough document release


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So lot's of people on here have given first hand accounts of what happened and the role that 'the' fans played in the events. But because some report is published by an 'independent' committee chaired by the Bishop of Liverpool all those people are wrong and we blindly accept the report.


Have you read it?

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Those who post on here challenging people to read the report do not go far enough in my opinion. The Panel Report is a detailed interpretation of ‘what is added to the public understanding by the disclosure of all relevant documents’. Whilst there is absolutely no suggestion of the Panel being anything other than absolutely professional and comprehensive in their work, the Hillsborough Independent panel was chaired by the Bishop of Liverpool and amongst others it included a civil rights expert, a newscaster who was ‘born and bred’ in Liverpool, a producer behind the ‘Hillsborough’ docu-drama by Jimmy McGovern. Most notable and clearly the chief architect of the report (documented in the research methods section) is Professor Phil Scraton. Professor Scraton has long been a passionate advocate for the Families. He presented evidence to the Judicial review conducted by Lord Justice Stuart-Smith. His book ‘Hillsborough – The Truth’ published in 2001 makes his long standing views on this matter eminently clear.

So before choosing one side or the other I would urge anyone interested in these matters to make their own mind up and make the effort to critically review the information available. The HIP Report has achieved a fantastically comprehensive degree of disclosure (a significant part of its remit) and all the relevant information is now available. It is not simply good enough to read the report and ignore everything that has gone before. The search engine on the website is very efficient – try it out. Have a look for example at the well documented rationale provided for the evidence gathering process which was adopted. Note how long ago that this process was common knowledge to those involved. Check out the extensive enquiries conducted by Justice Stuart Smith over 12 years ago on these same issues. Read the evidence provided by some of the key individuals who underpin some of the Reports key interpretations. Their names are well known and the search engine will find them. Read all of their evidence not just selected excerpts.

This matter is clearly no where near being finalised. The next steps will be to test the interpretations made in the Report against the evidential standards of civil and criminal law.

RIP – The 96 football fans who so tragically lost their lives.

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Documents printed in todays daily mail today show Sheffield Wednesday asked for compensation one month after the disaster.


And you've already had 2 threads with this information removed from open forum.


If you've got any proof that anybody at Wednesday had knowledge that contradicted the information put out by the police at the time then please pass this on to a suitably independent police investigator for them to investigate.


You seem to be gifting the Wednesday management with hindsight that they had no way to actually achieve.

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The Mail article is factual and topical, LINKED TO current debates and as long as discussed with respect and factual content, can the mods please inform us why your all so touchy. You run a forum , that involves debate and discussion..OR DOES IT ?

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I agree this seems in terrible taste, especially after we have clearly seen in the Independent Panel's findings, that Sheffield Wednesday put money before safety. However, from reading the article it appears that Wednesday were asking the FA for compensation for the revenue that would be lost that season due to closing the Leppings Lane terraces at the ground. Of course, Sheffield Wednesday has to take some responsibility here, BUT the FA is the higher authority, the FA saw fit to award Hillsborough the status and revenue that the Semi-Final brought. The FA were in the wrong for awarding Hillsborough the privilege of hosting that game, so isn't the FA is ultimately responsible?


The Owls were just one of many partys at some level of fault/blame, but the Mail article does not show the club in great light, the letter to the F.A was ill timed, some of the victims had not yet been buried and the Owls were seeking compo off the F.A !!

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Have you read the report?

When someone posts something you don't like, you just claim that others haven't read it. I've seen it several times.


You made the claim, you do not demand that others find the evidence to back it up.


You made the claim, you provide the evidence or withdraw the claim.


This is a bit rich coming from you. You even claimed that I hadn't read it, when I had actually typed out several extracts from the evidence then linked it too. You then posted a nonsensical response to me, then moved on to the next to accuse of things when you realised I wasn't someone you could bully into your own views.

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