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Hillsborough document release


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Which part of this don't you understand??


"The evidence shows "conclusively" that Liverpool fans "neither caused nor contributed to the deaths"


Since day 1 evidence was falsified.


I think it has been again today just to please and silence the Liverpudlians.


I'm sorry if that offends anyone, but putting it in writing does not prove anything. We've seen that with the way the fans were blamed at the start.


The only way for this to be closed and to allow people to move on if for certain individuals to shoulder the blame and fall on their swords. The fans will never accept blame - I'm reminded of this recent incident:



Fan arrested as police investigate Liverpool FC after black football star breaks down in tears due to 'racist abuse from crowd'


On the Liverpool FC forums the fans were coming up with all kinds of wild excuses as to why it wasn't a Liverpudlian. I think they'd had blamed it on a gunman on the grassy knoll if they could.

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No I don't believe you've thought your own statement through. The city of Sheffield and its residents do not hold collective responsibility or guilty for everything that happens within the Sheffield boundary. Airily dismissing a good question put to you isn't an answer.


Tell us why we all should be shamed.


Your question is neither good nor pertinent, also the personal abuse regarding my answer to your statement. Is that how we gain others perspective in Sheffield ? Abuse them ? Endemic is a word I would use. Yes Sheffield has every reason to feel ashamed, probably even the country. But I will wait and see what direction this monster takes next before giving my view on this...


The Sheffield force should be cleaned out, top to bottom.

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Why; the disaster happened in Sheffield, the report is very critical of the police in fiddling statements & such. It has also emerged there was no safety certificate for away end at Hillsbro (no not blaming Owls).


A few weeks after the disaster; United played Wednesday in I believe the Simod cup, or something as meaningless, we Blades were put on Leppings Lane end but the corners only, the middle was closed for obvious reasons.


The police STILL pushed Blades fans through the tunnel willy nilly, I turned to one copper & said "did you not learn ANYTHING, from a few weeks ago".


We were able to see into the area & the barriers were buckled like pieces of rubber, & they are very robust & strong. I dread to think what it must have been like in there, RIP to all the fans that lost their life.


I remember our 1st game after the disaster @ the Lane; we had a minutes silence I believe it was Brentford, the silence went on for ages (15 or so mins, could be less but could be more) truly touching tribute to fans, from fans, men in tears & I was one of them.


I too was at the Simod cup game and parts of the Leppings Lane corner were overcrowded which was unbelievable considering the circumstances. However I do think Sheffield Wednesday have to take a share of the blame for the disaster if they staged a game knowing they hadn't got a Safety Certificate, the FA too for not ensuring they had. As for Sheffield City Council they also must have known as they are responsible for issuing them.

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Your question is neither good nor pertinent, also the personal abuse regarding my answer to your statement. Is that how we gain others perspective in Sheffield ? Abuse them ? Endemic is a word I would use. Yes Sheffield has every reason to feel ashamed, probably even the country. But I will wait and see what direction this monster takes next before giving my view on this...



Whatever... You're clearly not worth the effort if you can even answer a simple question :rolleyes:

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Oh for sure, and I think they will, syp seem to be in serious trouble...


Times have changed already Corker, how many of that force are still serving?


They were different times, the SYP, got away with so much back in the day, not just via football, but the steel strikes and of course the pit strikes.


Different times.



Its now about justice for the familys, and a conclusion that can see them now moving on with their lives.

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