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Are CCTV cameras in school toilets and changing rooms acceptable?

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I don't see a problem with them as long as they are visible with warning signs in place, but it is a pity schools feel they need to use them.


Moving up the blame ladder you could argue that its a pity that students feel the need to smash things up, hence the need for CCTV in the first place.


School X I work with doesn't believe in CCTV and constantly has to fix smashed mirrors in the toilets, grafitti and blocked toilets.


School Y with CCTV doesn't have any problem.

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A friend of mine had to urinate the other day (he is on a diuretic medication and this causes him to have a weak bladder), so he ran behind a skip. CCTV was nearby, and someone on a tannoy shouted, "Oi, you behind the skip, put it away". He was lucky he didn't get any on his trousers!


Due to a lack of public toilets my friend could not have gone somewhere more appropriate. Technically what he did was illegal, but surely it is ok if you have a medical condition?


Wrt cameras in toilets, I suppose it depends where they are looking.


I know what your friend goes through, I'm on 3 water tablets a day & have had to take a crafty leak, when out and about. Its illegal as you say, but I ain't gonna pee misen; as you say we need more loos.


But cameras in toilets is horrid, it would be a pervert's paradise being on security watch.

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It's mildly amusing in the assumption someone is actually watching live feed on these cameras. They record all day, everyday and no-one watches them filming the hall, the dining room or a live feed from the kids bogs!

The Star's headline in particular, practically screamed cameras had been put there and only there on purpose. They will have been fitted as part of a wider security system of CCTV. They are ceiling mounted, inside acrylic domes to protect them. They are fitted, adjusted and left alone.

The toilet ones point to the area just past the door and away from the cubicles, with a narrow field of view - outside of the toilets? set to grab as much of an area as possible.

Whatever has happened in the school, when a parent rings up, you can place a very large wager that the first question is "have you checked the cameras?"

I have never read such a sensationalist non story in my life.


And yes I have kids, and no it has never bothered me :)

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But cameras in toilets is horrid, it would be a pervert's paradise being on security watch.


Perhaps you should read posts from people who actually know about such systems, rather than tabloid rants and speculation. The above one is a good example of one to read and believe.


All the cameras record are the area where people are washing their hands. You'd have to be a very unusual pervert to get any pleasure from that.


CCTV is recorded and usually deleted without ever been seen. There's no such thing as "security watch". Its only when there's an incident that the footage is reviewed by a school's senior management team - heads and deputy heads. People with years of experience of working with children.

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In repeating what i was told, yes i was telling the truth.

Obviously your not that bright so that passed you by but its ok, i know its not your fault.


So it's hearsay then? You obviously can't prove anything you are saying so I think it's time you backed off and let the adults carry on conversation eh- good lad ;)

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Moving up the blame ladder you could argue that its a pity that students feel the need to smash things up, hence the need for CCTV in the first place.


School X I work with doesn't believe in CCTV and constantly has to fix smashed mirrors in the toilets, grafitti and blocked toilets.


School Y with CCTV doesn't have any problem.


That’s about what I meant, obviously didn't word it correctly.:)

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I've just had a look at the Big Brother Watch site and a little window informs me that King Edwards here in Sheffield has 15 cameras per pupil - Guessing that the school has maybe 800 - 1000 on roll, 15,000 Cameras??? I think not - quality scaremongering! :huh:


There would no room to pee in their bogs!

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