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10 myths of the Uk's far right.

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Your old mate Jordan Pont was on here recently giving it quite a bit of pro-Adolf worship so why don't you ask him? Jesus is dead too and he wasn't a god either. Are you saying Christianity should be irrelevant on that score?

Who is Jordan Pont ?....Re Jesus,I would have thought the Son of God would take precedence over someone in the same vein as Hitler who seemed to want to wipe out all of the "children of God" your idea of him being a object of worship gets weaker all the time.

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I see the BNP publicity machine has got back on track on the forum ,funny really the BNP is more of a dead horse these days and almost forgotten yet suddenly the,supposedly, anti right wing publicity machine swings into motion and resurrects its memory,I wonder why ?

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I see the BNP publicity machine has got back on track on the forum ,funny really the BNP is more of a dead horse these days and almost forgotten yet suddenly the,supposedly, anti right wing publicity machine swings into motion and resurrects its memory,I wonder why ?

Cos quiet or not theyre still there, the same violent, racist, hitler loving bnp

And i think calling em that is not the sort of publicity they want

Oh and jordans the bnp postie off here aint he?

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Cos quiet or not theyre still there, the same violent, racist, hitler loving bnp

And i think calling em that is not the sort of publicity they want

Oh and jordans the bnp postie off here aint he?

Where?,the only mention I see nowadays of the BNP is on here,with certain posters seemingly not content without bringing them up,I wonder what its membership is these days,are these posters bringing the BNP into the fray seemingly to answer posters such as myself who questions immigration and the Muslim religion because if they are they are certainly clutching at straws if that is the sole basis of their arguments ,point in proof in the earlier post where I get called a "mate" of the aforesaid Jordan Pont,Iv never heard of him and if hes posted on here Iv never read any of his posts but the point is the poster thought he was being clever trying to associate me with him,my thoughts on the BNP are well documented on here and to try to score points countering that documentation smacks of either paranoia on the subject of the BNP or of acute desperation because of the lack of plausible arguments on the subject,a simple cry of "racist" doesnt quite ring true when applied that way.

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Perhaps, since you appear to believe that the far right do exist in greater than miniscule numbers, you can explain why their utterly dire performance in electoral terms? If there are lots out there how come they they never manage to drag in more than three men and a dog to vote for them?



If you lift your head out of Socialst Worker and read properly what I wrote.....


The far right does not exist in any significant numbers - It just suits the Hard Left to portray themselves as heroic defenders against Fascism....

When in reality it is the policies of the Left that actually do push normal people to vote for the bnp

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Iv just googled Jordan Pont ,seems he is a postman who got fired for being a member of the BNP ,seems a bit drastic that whatever happened to freedom of choice ? any way never met him or heard of him before,see what I mean about the BNP publicity machine on here if it wasnt for LeMaquis I would never have heard of him.

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If you lift your head out of Socialst Worker and read properly what I wrote.....


The far right does not exist in any significant numbers - It just suits the Hard Left to portray themselves as heroic defenders against Fascism....

When in reality it is the policies of the Left that actually do push normal people to vote for the bnp


Which policies of The Left?

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How about uncontrolled open door mass immigration, as introduced by Labour post 1997.


Okay then what you are suggesting is a left wing agenda based on a premise of mass immigration which in turn allows the ruling elite to degrade the indigenous workers pay and conditions by ensuring a never ending supply of cheap,easily exploited labour I cannot see how this is left wing.Surely if this was the case the current government would have stemmed it which most people would argue they haven't,and to accuse the last Labour government of being left/hard left is prepostorous.

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