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10 myths of the Uk's far right.

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I am a supporter of the Conservative party. I am not a "right winger" in the way that "right wingers" are being portrayed on this thread, I am not a fascist or a fan of Hitler, who I believe was actually a socialist.


Please do not, through your own ignorance accuse me and those like me of Nazi/NF/BNP sympathies. If I have to choose someone not of my political leanings to be associated with give me a Liberal or a supporer of the Labour party anytime.


A bit of history,


The League of Empire Loyalists (LEL) was a British pressure group (also called a 'ginger group' in Britain and the British Commonwealth), established in 1954, which campaigned against the dissolution of the British Empire. The League was a small group of current or former members of the Conservative Party led by Arthur K. Chesterton, a former leading figure in the British Union of Fascists, who had served under Oswald Mosley. The League found support from a number of Conservative Party members, although they were disliked very much by the leadership.


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I am a supporter of the Conservative party. I am not a "right winger" in the way that "right wingers" are being portrayed on this thread, Iam not a fascist or a fan of Hitler, who I believe was actually a socialist.Please do not, through your own ignorance accuse me and those like me of Nazi/NF/BNP sympathies. If I have to choose someone not of my political leanings to be associated with give me a Liberal or a supporer of the Labour party anytime.


That is some serious historical revisionism!

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as we are on the subject of right wing myths heres one about the EDL


the myth is they arent racist........or even far right.


SIX men with links to a controversial right-wing pressure group have been ordered to pay almost £6,000 for chanting a sickening torrent of religious abuse.


The men, who are associated with the English Defence League (EDL), were sentenced at Teesside Magistrates’ Court yesterday.


They were found guilty in August of shouting a highly inflammatory religious chant at Middlesbrough railway station


Addressing the defendants, Elizabeth Hutchinson, chairman of the bench, said: “It’s the court’s belief that you knew exactly what you were doing, that you deliberately set out to use racially abusive language and to intimidate members of the public.”
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Okay then what you are suggesting is a left wing agenda based on a premise of mass immigration which in turn allows the ruling elite to degrade the indigenous workers pay and conditions by ensuring a never ending supply of cheap,easily exploited labour I cannot see how this is left wing.Surely if this was the case the current government would have stemmed it which most people would argue they haven't,and to accuse the last Labour government of being left/hard left is prepostorous.


Got it in one, a great betrayal of the British people don't you think, and this is the dichotomy, everybody thought Labour represented the working man.


The Tories are talking tough but I don't think they will put their money where their mouth is.

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