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10 myths of the Uk's far right.

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You pretend to be afraid to speak your mind when doing exactly that. There's not one piece of evidence in your entire essay. You should stop feeling sorry for yourself and face the facts. The vast majority of our ruling class are still white people, the politicians, the lawyers, judges, media bosses, the lot. There has never a meritocracy in this country and there probably never will be, but it's nothing to do with race or religion and 100% to do with wealth. Race and religion are convenient distractions.
I suspect the Establishnent continues to hold all the right cards, much as it did when I emigrated 44 years ago. Much was being said at the time about fears of the "brain drain", but little was done to stop it. It seemed that you could reach a certain level, only to hit a barrier because you weren't the right sort. The Commonwealth and the United States are full of Britons with high technical and administritive skills, who have become respected and valued citizens, and parents, and of a variety of colours.
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There are two versions of Pastor Niemollers "First they came" text.


The Martin-Niemöller-Foundation has the first lines as follows;


"First they came for the Communists

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a Communist

Then they came for the Socialists

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a Socialist".


The American version omits the reference to Communists because during the Cold War it was politically convenient to do so. It starts with the Socialists.


The following is from the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust;




I think they have a better understanding of Hitler's politics than you and would therefore prove that if Hitler's number two enemy was the Socialists then it's unlikely Hitler was one.


Hitlers policies (other than invading neighbours and wiping out minoirites) are socialst. Free Health service, full employment, workers councils etc.The name of the political party he led was National SOCIALIST.

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Please can I make myself clear, I am not insinuating that socialism as we understand it these days is in any way linked to Hitler.


I do think however that his form of National Socialism was a corruption of the socialst beliefs of the time.


Also we should not underestimate the underlying authortarianism of socialsts. The last Labour government was by far the most authortarian we have had (outside wartime) for a hundred years. I.D. cards etc.


When such instincts become perverted Fascism follows.

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Please can I make myself clear, I am not insinuating that socialism as we understand it these days is in any way linked to Hitler.


I do think however that his form of National Socialism was a corruption of the socialst beliefs of the time.


Also we should not underestimate the underlying authortarianism of socialsts. The last Labour government was by far the most authortarian we have had (outside wartime) for a hundred years. I.D. cards etc.


When such instincts become perverted Fascism follows.


I don't really want to get into a debate with someone who suggests Hitler was a Socialist it would be pointless as I doubt someone with such a standpoint would be open to an opposing point of view,so I will just make a brief couple of points and leave it at that.Firstly the workers councils you refer to The Nazi factory workers Organization (NSBO) were formed in the 1920's to infiltrate and take over organized labour until the Nazi Party came to power,this was of course a sham ,the Nazi's had having already decided there would be role whatsoever for organized labour and by 1933 most of its members had been denounced and sent to concentration camps.

Basic A level history would disprove your assumption and reading up on the fate of Otto and Gregor Strasser should prove Hitler had no tolerance of anything vaguely Socialist.

Lastly your point regarding full employment,Harold Macmillan had full employment as a policy but whilst he was the only decent Tory leader we have ever had can hardly be described as a Socialist!

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