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10 myths of the Uk's far right.

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Right then woodmally :




Box-ticking eh ? I would venture to guess that whoever cast Kat Akingbade had more than one box to tick.


Young : tick.


Photogenic : tick.


Thin : tick.


Black : tick.


Female : tick.


Interesting that there's very little debate about how assistants to Derren Brown and other alpha-males on telly must be slim good-looking women under 30.


Funny how the Daily Mail keeps quiet about that.


I also note that lots of yoof music TV presenters have extravagant hair-dos and an occasionally bizarre taste in clothes. Feel free to verify how many of them tick most of the above boxes in addition.


Now the question is : has any of this changed because of recent legislation ?




"She said firms should be able to choose a woman over a man of equal ability if they wanted to - or vice versa."


Note the words : equal ability.


Note the words : vice versa.


Yours is a straw man argument from start to finish.

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on a day or weekly basis how many far left groups are in the media, life?


the bnp (although quite quiet at the moment) and the EDL are almost always in the news


the UAF only really appear when the EDL do


what other far left groups are active in peoples lives these days?


labour havent been "left" for decades

tbh i cant remmeber the last time i heard about socialist workers party or militant unless theres a large student demo and they print the banners and sell their papers like always




Come on mel, that post is almost contradicting itself, when the UAF appear they often outnumber those of the EDL, suggesting to me that the far left have bigger numbers, so are therefore more prevelant.

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Come on mel, that post is almost contradicting itself, when the UAF appear they often outnumber those of the EDL, suggesting to me that the far left have bigger numbers, so are therefore more prevelant.


That might be because so many EDL members are in prison or too drunk to make it to the demo. Or maybe because like Tommy Robinson they run away when they see they're outnumbered. The EDL had its entire turn-out arrested in Walthamstow a couple of weeks ago.


I notice an EDL supporter, Stephen Garvey, has been arrested in connection with the murder of 2 police officers in Manchester this week.





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That might be because so many EDL members are in prison or too drunk to make it to the demo. Or maybe because like Tommy Robinson they run away when they see they're outnumbered. The EDL had its entire turn-out arrested in Walthamstow a couple of weeks ago.


I notice an EDL supporter, Stephen Garvey, has been arrested in connection with the murder of 2 police officers in Manchester this week.






more right wing nutters with a fascination for hitler and the nazis, youd think IF the EDL really was standing up for england they would hate every thing to do with hitler and the nazis??? its baffeling

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i know its not uk but this thread was the best place to put this "myth", its about the nazis during the war.

i admit ive always been one that has believed that most normal soldiers / conscripts were coerced or ordered to do the nasty stuff by higher officers by danger of death or worse.

as it turns out a new book dispels that myth.


"I liked to shoot women pushing prams": Secret Nazi tapes shocking Germany


But now it has become clear how the Nazi regime dehumanised so many of their own troops, they are taking nothing for granted.Soldiers speaking of the “fun” and “pure enjoyment” of killing civilians and fleeing troops litter 150,000 pages of transcripts.
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more right wing nutters with a fascination for hitler and the nazis, youd think IF the EDL really was standing up for england they would hate every thing to do with hitler and the nazis??? its baffeling


the edl are against nazi fanatics, that's why they campaign against islam since the two are similar.

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Surely the main myth about the far right in the UK is that it's anything worth worrying about?


Last time I checked, there weren't any jack-booted fascists about to kick my front door down and attach wires to my plums.


I think the main myth about the far right are those that the left tend to identy as being "far right".


Some say the Tories are "extreme right wing". I heard that said at a Labour conference, to much gratuitous applause.


Some think the EDL as being far right, simply for being conscientious objectors to islam.

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