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10 myths of the Uk's far right.

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the Nazis were a mixture of left and right policies, so calling them the far right does not make so much sense to me.


But of course it does.


Fascists made a virtue of stealing certain key concepts of the left, emptying them of their proper context (ie. social progress) and pretending that they were fascist ideas all along. That’s what the Nazis did when they called themselves “National Socialists” and called for social programmes - which by the way were first introduced in Germany a long time before Nazism.


The right are not unique in their racism, remember Nazi is the abbreviated form of National Socialist.


Racism was part and parcel of Nazi ideology, as was the smashing of democratic structures in favour of a totalitarian state. Socialist ? The Nazis took enough money from a number of large-scale corporations to fund themselves and rewarded their benefactors with contracts, all the more so once the war machine was in full swing. Not to mention that socialists, communists and trade unionists were the first to be sent to Nazi concentration camps.


There is simply no way of “stripping away” the racism and mass murder of the Nazis and admiring their social programmes, as manceryder has suggested. You either agree with the far right, or you loathe them.

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But of course it does.


Fascists made a virtue of stealing certain key concepts of the left, emptying them of their proper context (ie. social progress) and pretending that they were fascist ideas all along. That’s what the Nazis did when they called themselves “National Socialists” and called for social programmes - which by the way were first introduced in Germany a long time before Nazism.




Racism was part and parcel of Nazi ideology, as was the smashing of democratic structures in favour of a totalitarian state. Socialist ? The Nazis took enough money from a number of large-scale corporations to fund themselves and rewarded their benefactors with contracts, all the more so once the war machine was in full swing. Not to mention that socialists, communists and trade unionists were the first to be sent to Nazi concentration camps.


There is simply no way of “stripping away” the racism and mass murder of the Nazis and admiring their social programmes, as manceryder has suggested. You either agree with the far right, or you loathe them.


Well observed, and the emboldened part neatly sums up my view.

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I think part of the problem is that political correctness has gone too far and no one is allowed to react to unacceptable behaviour when colour is involved.


Utterly untrue. How do you account for the fact that black and ethnic minorities are over-represented in the prison service?


I find it alarming that incidents happening in the Darnall area are inadequately if it all being reported where coloured people are involved.


How do you know this? You don't; it's a fiction.


The area has seen road blocks imposed by Asian youths and the burning out of a police car. Nothing was done. Certainly nothing was done to match the police reaction in say Killamarsh or Dore.


Unless you're a police officer - and you clearly aren't, how can you possibly know?




I find the driving of a red ferrari car on Abbeydale Road at high speed a cause for concern and yet the Asian young man seems above the law. He acts it and perhaps his experience of the police, should he have any, may well be that he is untouchable.


Using a hypothetical case with no reference to facts. Useless.


My views are not racist. If I see wrong then it doesn't matter what colour is involved.




White van man is often white man white van man. Bad driving is bad driving and should be reported and prosecutions follow. But it seems today the Police have their hands tied when dealing with persons of colour and the beaurocratic hoop jumping makes many offences not worth following up. Such is a response to most minor household / estate crime, where lives are plagued by ASBO type kids and little is done by the Police.


Utter rubbish - where are you getting this from?


I'm surprised how British society has changed over the last decade and wonder if the England of fetes, garden parties, summer fares, even car boots is under threat by the influx of immigrants who do not accept British culture and will, simply by their numbers erode it and replace it.




The Peace talks in Northern Ireland were a result of the inexorable march towards a Catholic majority due to an increased birth rate.


No they weren't.



The unacceptably high and wrong immigration policy that allowed foreign criminals into this country can not be undone. I really wonder why, if London is a metropolis, that every other city has to be. The myriad of languages heard on our streets is not part of the rich cultural diversity. It is in fact illustration of the alienation and isolation of disparate groups.


Yes, it's exactly that.


The idea that we all can live together is pure poppy ****. As we have seen only this week; America allows freedom of religion and expression while sections of the muslim world react in a murderous way at what they perceive to be unacceptable heresies.


It self evidently isn't.



While there are such differences it is impossible for these cultures to live harmoniously. These extremes are seized upon by the far right extremists within British society yet there is a large body of sympathy towards the erosion of the white anglo saxon ethnicity.


You really do have a problem with people being different don't you?


We clearly see a multipicity of examples of minor ethnic groups receiving huge state benefits that remain disproportionate to that of working, white, middle class families.


No, we don't and you have no evidence to suggest otherwise - you're just playing the old game of 'tell a lie often enough and people will start to believe it'.



I wish to see an ever growing, understanding and accepting society. A tolerant society. But I fear that by way of alienating the white population of the UK through a governmental discimination, by not having a meritocracy and by actively seeking to advance, promote and favour minority ethnic groups, it is inevitable that people will feel disenfranchised.


I don't believe you for a moment, I think you're lying.



Please note how carefully I have to word what I say. Balance it, be selective and considerate to all.


Really, how tiresome for you.


That is part of this problem. We are deeply affected and frightened by it.


Frightened of what?


Of being called a racist - when you simply want to rationally discuss what may be seen as a deterioration in values, standards and the British way of life as we have known it.


I welcome your comments


Scared of being called a racist? Why, is there something wrong with you?

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Oh and another thing, Owethemnowt - what's with all this mealy mouthed 'persons of colour' rubbish?


It's exactly the kind of thing racists would say if they were trying hard not to sound like racists.


Most normal people say 'black people' or 'Asians'.

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It was Bertrand Russell who during a TV interview was asked what advice he would profer to those watching in 50 years time. Quite prophetic in his response by way of saying that the only hope for mankind was to accept each other and try to live together.


That is the view I hold. The persons of colour won't return to their homeland as they have rights that deservedly need to be honoured and protected. My concern is their influence on the British way of life as we understand it.


It is all well and good having a Nottinghill festival but that has no roots in the Anglo saxon way of life. It is an imported cultural activity totally alien to Britiain. There is no way it has moulded itself to adopt an English influence or combine, blend or merge with anything traditionally British. And these festivals have been copied up and down the country. They serve only to illustrate the lack of integration.


Asian cultures do not mix freely within British society, adopt the language or lifestyle. In deed, the government had to introduce the compulsory English language standard, to compel immigrants to learn English. All immigrants.


These are facts. And yet facts remain a sterile argument. In fact, no argument as you can not argue with the facts.


What I have expressed is a personal belief; a view; an opinion, balanced and fair. I remain interested in the views of others and thank those for enlightening me with some useful contributions.


To those who carp and criticise and in so doing offer nothing to the debate please leave this discussion to the fair minded who wish to contribute. I tolerate your interuptions as part of a tolerant society but really you simply let yourselves down.


Thank you.

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Utterly untrue. How do you account for the fact that black and ethnic minorities are over-represented in the prison service?




How do you know this? You don't; it's a fiction.




Unless you're a police officer - and you clearly aren't, how can you possibly know?






Using a hypothetical case with no reference to facts. Useless.








Utter rubbish - where are you getting this from?








No they weren't.





Yes, it's exactly that.




It self evidently isn't.





You really do have a problem with people being different don't you?




No, we don't and you have no evidence to suggest otherwise - you're just playing the old game of 'tell a lie often enough and people will start to believe it'.





I don't believe you for a moment, I think you're lying.





Really, how tiresome for you.




Scared of being called a racist? Why, is there something wrong with you?


hahahaha i enjoyed that post, post of the year.......pwnd

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In some opinions, extreme-left and extreme-rights are divided only in name. See the political gradations not as a line (left to right) but as a circle (wherein the line's left end and the line's right end are joined).


In that case why does your beloved UKIP attract the far right (EDL, BNP et al) but not the far left on your British Democracy Forum website?

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Surely right wings views are acceptable as long as they are not racist? The right are not unique in their racism, remember Nazi is the abbreviated form of National Socialist. If you strip away the fascist and racist part of Hilters policies many of them , full employment, free health service, etc. are socialist.


The far right's essence is racism. If they weren't racists they wouldn't be far right and vice versa. The Nazis weren't left wing, as you are implying in your second sentence. They may have called themselves National Socialists but the emphasis was on the National bit, same as National Front, British National Party, etc. Some socialists are racist but it's not the core of their philosophy as it is with the far right. The Tories support a free health service but they're not socialists.

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