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History help. Millhouses Park.


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The derelict buildings are called 'the old mill buildings and i believe the area that is now the cricket pitch was a large pond. The friends of Millhouses park are trying to raise interest in these buildings so they can be refurbished so they may very well know more about them. The building that faces out onto the road was used as a police station many years ago although unfortunately that is as much as I know about this building, no doubt one of the history buffs will know far more.

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The derelict buildings are called 'the old mill buildings and i believe the area that is now the cricket pitch was a large pond. The friends of Millhouses park are trying to raise interest in these buildings so they can be refurbished so they may very well know more about them. The building that faces out onto the road was used as a police station many years ago although unfortunately that is as much as I know about this building, no doubt one of the history buffs will know far more.


So I could be right, Thank you WallBuilder.......:thumbsup:

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There are a few pictures on picturesheffield site, I was rather pleased to see that there are now quite a few of the old open air pool as my memory is fading fast. I just typed Millhouses into the search box which brought up loads of results not to do with the corn mill but it is a fascinating site to explore

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