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Apparently the earth is Flat :-)

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You'd think so wouldn't you




Apparently the man and his 3000 followers are very serious.:shocked:


Daniel Shenton

The Earth is flat, he argues, because it appears flat. The sun and moon are spherical, but much smaller than mainstream science says, and they rotate around a plane of the Earth, because they appear to do so.


I don't think there is solid proof. I'm not intentionally being stubborn about it, but I feel our senses tell us these things, and it would take an extraordinarily level of evidence to counteract those. How many people have actually investigated it? Have you?"



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The worrying thing is : this is one of the more innocent points of view currently being bandied about on this forum.



Im not sure that such blind, blnkered, "make up the science to fit our facts" is any less innocent or scary than other simliar thought processes cults and fundamentalists have......

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  • 8 years later...
20 hours ago, tinfoilhat said:

Only the thick ones.

That really is not on, we should respect other people's beliefs, however bizarre.


Without showing respect how can we expect people to come on here and explain how they came by their faith and what justifies them retaining it after being exposed to scientifically rigorous examination?


Then you can call them thick.

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