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Millions being penalised by the highest rents ever charged in Britain.

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Build cost is irrelevant, it is land cost.


The idle land is the monopolised land. We pay people for merely owning land that their ancestors stole. That is wrong, and the theft of the land form the people was also wrong.


Some thieving parasites stole the land and killed off those who opposed their criminal behaviour. They levied rents upon the (newly created) lower classes, and exploited them for centuries, they still do so today. Not only do they control the land, they control the inherently flawed 'legal' medium of exchange which we are legally forced to use.


These criminals are one and the same, they are the bankers, the landowners and the lawyers. They aren't all bad, but that does not excuse the original crime. They are THIEVES!

If I were to rape and kill a woman then feed her child it's supper I would

not be a good man, I would be but a murderer and a rapist. Feeding a starving child might be a good mark upon my character, but it would not excuse the aforementioned theoretical crime.


None of us are responsible for the actions of our distant ancestors. To suggest otherwise is ridiculous.

Lawyers are just people like you who went to law school instead of spending their time ranting about housing on a forum.

Amongst land owners are a majority of those who have bought their land under the present system, it could include you if you did a bit more work and a bit less ranting.

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call it what you like mate if its losing money why are you still hanging on to it. like i said greed is making you hang on to it hoping that things will change and you will have a house paid for by someone else


Unless the alternative is to loose more money through a sale.


Rock and a hard place...

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We could be growing a lot more, and we could do so without a subsidy that rewards people for merely owning land and increases the cost of production for tenant farmers.


If you want to make an argument that the CAP should be massively reformed or just scrapped then I'll completely agree with you.

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Sections of society do care, some don't. I won't be making it to old age anyhow.


I can make the system work for me so to speak. But to be fair the system should work for everyone and reward productive work. Rentiers should be wiped out, they are nothing but a curse upon society.

You make your argument about the idle rich and the stolen land, and then you flip back into hating landlords, most of whom are neither rich, idle or have inherited the properties they let. It strikes me that the small business landlord is simply an easy target for you hatred.

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I think people with careers that require moving house regularly may be very upset if the rentiers were wiped out......


You always seem to state/believe that people are forced to rent rather than do it through choice - Simply not true.


I've moved on several of occassions, and each time it's been rent a new place where I've moved to, and rent out the house I just left until I bought a new place where I was then working. One way of accidentally building up a portfolio of rental houses, I've only finsihed rolling that lot up recently...

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What a stupid thing to say.


I am more of a reluctant landlord - even renting it out I still lose money a month. Which is why when I get a bad tenant I lose even more.


It's not greed in the slightest. What an insensitive, stupid comment to make.


I wouldn't bother trying to explain to these people they live in cloud cuckoo land, I also rent out houses so accordingley I must be ripping off people and going on luxury holidays at their expense every year!!


Dont let them get to you they have no idea, it cost me a substantial amount to get a tennant out last year who paid the 1st months rent then refused to pay anything after. Who by the way had given me good references, when Ifinally got her out I found she had been growing cannabis in the bedroom in substantial amounts rang the police were they at all interested no.

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No, and I don't intend to either. Property is something that you occupy, you do not own it. And purchasing a freehold property is not property ownership, it is a form of tenure.


People should be free to build housing upon idle land - currently land is subsidised to the tune of £50 Bn per year in direct cash subsidy in the UK. People are paid for merely holding land and they leave it idle. This is completely wrong. There is plenty of idle land. Land should be taxed so that land is freed up for building etc.


If we continue to subsidise land ownership then we reinforce the unjust monopoly and is leads to land being used inefficiently, it creates a class system, severely harms economic development and leads to widespread poverty amongst the landless.


So says this representative of the people, but which people? the feckless, the workshy, the improvident. Those who dont vote. As they dont vote they seek revolution, so they can take over the reins of power and become those they despise. Pathetic failed people espousing pathetic failed politics.

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