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Violence erupts in Sydney over anti-Islam film


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Hmm, I see the other threads connected to this have been pulled, but as this is a growing problem and has now spread to none Muslim countries, I think this is becoming a serious issue. It appears many Muslims want any excuse to riot!




And well done to Youtube/Google for not bowing to pressure to remove the film. This is what freedom of speech is about, the right to have other peoples views heard that you may not agree with.


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Hmm, I see the other threads connected to this have been pulled, but as this is a growing problem and has now spread to none Muslim countries, I think this is becoming a serious issue. It appears many Muslims want any excuse to riot!




And well done to Youtube/Google for not bowing to pressure to remove the film. This is what freedom of speech is about, the right to have other peoples views heard that you may not agree with.



Looks like the filmmaker surrendered

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It would be a nice gesture if the non violent muslims were more vocal in there protests against those that are, it might repair some of the ill feeling being caused between us, might!


It would be nice if just once a scene like this played out and the many Muslims here who are quick to defend their religion are as quick to denounce those who would use their religion as an excuse to commit violent acts.

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Makes me sick to see what is going on in my country.

I remember it as a place where differences were not just tolerated, but accepted, and incorporated into everyday life- no matter where it originated.

This kind of behaviour is not indicitive of all Muslims. All my Muslim friends are just as shocked and appalled as everyone else.

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It would be nice if just once a scene like this played out and the many Muslims here who are quick to defend their religion are as quick to denounce those who would use their religion as an excuse to commit violent acts.
yes but remember its only a minority who are like this. looking at the news thou there seems to be thousands kicking off in all these countries and dosent look like its only a minority to me. i await the forum muslims answer to what they think
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But remember it is a peaceful religion......so not sure where the bloodlust, the need for killing for killings sake, bombing and general violence comes from!!!!


All those atrocities are committed by Muslims that other Muslims say aren’t really Muslims, so it’s not really Muslims doing the killing, bombing and general violence, its people that are just pretending to be Muslims in order to give Muslims a bad name. :D

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