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Violence erupts in Sydney over anti-Islam film


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Problem is we have let the muslims into the west and now we are going to pay the price,sorry but this is going to end badly one way or another,just remember that the politicians with your help brought this about,you voted to let them in and now its going to be payback time.


Thats why non-radical muslims need to stand up and speak out against such silly behaviour of the few.

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I found this in the Melbourne Newspaper and think it is brilliant:


An open letter

Peter FitzSimons September 16, 2012


To the Islamic protesters ...


HAVE we Sydney-siders got this straight?

Because on the other side of the Pacific, somewhere in California, some loser has thrown together some kind of amateur internet video insulting your particular god, you think it justifiable to:

Take over the Sydney CBD.

Cause willful damage to property.

Throw rocks at police officers who are doing nothing more than their duty.

Hold up such ludicrous signs as “Behead all those who insult the prophet.”

We have to ask: Do you have the first clue as to the ramifications of your actions? Do you not understand that the net result of such irresponsible, appalling action is to give ample fuel to every racist in the country to reinforce every bad stereotype they have ever had of you, and that will affect badly the hundreds of thousands of other peaceful and law-abiding Islamic Australians?


Get this straight, and quickly: some of you may be from countries where this kind of thing is acceptable. But it is NOT acceptable in this country.

In this country you are free to worship whatever god you damn well please. Others are free to worship their gods.

And I am free to say it is all nonsense over imaginary friends.

But you are not free to create the mayhem you did yesterday, simply because you don't like a freaking video!

Racists have said for years, “If you don't like the way we do things here, go back to where you came from.” The net result of your actions yesterday is that – for those people specifically disgracing themselves in the CBD yesterday, not the vast bulk of Islamic Australians – much of the country now feels the same.

Nice work.



quite surpriseing coming from a leftie like peter fiztsimons:suspect:

as for sending them back to where they came from, I think he'll find that would be the lebenese ghetto's of S.W sydney.. most of them would be in their 20's and 30's, 2nd and third generation lebanese maybe some iraqi's.

pretend jihadist thugs showing off with their sixth pillar t shirts on.

one of their leaders, an x pro boxer who was arrested as a 6 page criminal history in australia.

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I watched Romney this morning, according to him your gonna be the biggest meanest army in the world so he says? ..where is he getting the money poppins for this?...your deficit has tripled since it was under bush...


Coming hot of the press as we speak.

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I agree that the film is no excuse for the violence that followed,but i'm not defending that Christian who made the film,because i think he may had a wicked agenda and knew the reaction it would cause.


Nakoula Basseley Nakoula an Egyptian that lives in America makes a crap film and Egyptians along with other Muslims around the world take it out on America, you couldn’t make it up.

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