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Violence erupts in Sydney over anti-Islam film


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It does seem igorance is rife! Regarding not be able to wear the cross than speak to your look councillor or MP and see what they can do to help. This will show how persistent you and others are to our religion and that we are not only blowing hot air! Also it is not insulting too say etiquettes only come from religion - as christianity principal teaches these, even though (sadly)many of you have obliterated them from your lives!

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USA Today reported:


The protest was planned by Salafists well before news circulated of an objectionable video ridiculing Islam’s prophet, Mohammed, said Eric Trager, an expert at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.





Maybe it was planned for 9/11.

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Its not even a good film. I've seen the trailer and the acting is worse than Hollyoaks (thats saying something). It seems the muslim fundamentalists will use any excuse to go around killing people.


It isn't a fundamentalist position, the idea that the great Mohammed must not be insulted is a mainstream one.


The curious thing is, doesn't Islam teach against idolatry, and didn't Mohammed himself say to worship God and not him as an idol. Yet by behaving like this it appears they've elevated Mohammed to idol status, which is a gross insult to Islam therefore they must behead themselves.

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I was listening to a panel of "experts" on a news channel this morning. One of these so called experts went as far as to say "that it now seems that Obama's policies have failed in the Muslim countries"


So why would Obama's policies have failed because of a movie made by anti-Islamists?


Obama's done right by Egypt and Libya. He was reluctant to get involved in toppling Ghadaffi but later made a significant contribution militarily in accomplishing that.


He also established a good relationship with Egypt's new leader Morsi or Morsy and the US is sending a billion dollars a year in aid.


These two fledgling democracies need to get a tght grip on the Jihadist scum among them who have been responsible for the rioting and the deaths. If they dont then they can forget about ever having a democratic society

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It would be a nice gesture if the non violent muslims were more vocal in there protests against those that are, it might repair some of the ill feeling being caused between us, might!


It would be nice if just once a scene like this played out and the many Muslims here who are quick to defend their religion are as quick to denounce those who would use their religion as an excuse to commit violent acts.


Here's a fairly unequivocal press statement from the Muslim Council of Great Britain from two days ago:


"The Muslim Council (MCB) calls on all parties to halt violence sparked by outrage at a video trailer of a disgraceful film mocking the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).


Such violence led to the death of US ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, yesterday – the 9/11 anniversary – following the release of a trailer for a video mocking the life of Islam's most holy figure. Crowds also stormed the US embassy grounds in Cairo, where they burned the US flag.


"The violence we saw is not in keeping with the teachings of the Prophet, whose honour these people wish to defend. Those who carried out these attacks are in a minority and do not speak for Muslims, or our faith. The death of the US ambassador to Libya is a deep tragedy, particularly as the country is taking its first steps towards democratic transition following the overthrow of dictatorship last year. Whilst this in no way justifies these attacks, the film-maker responsible for this defamatory video mocking Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, should be ashamed of his actions. That Pastor Terry Jones, the so-called Qu'ran burner, in Florida should also be promoting this film is deeply worrying."


"We urge that such vile actions of a few on both sides must not be allowed to create divisions. Understanding, mutual respect and peaceful dialogue must prevail. We hope that others will join us in condemning both the violence in Egypt and Libya, and the irresponsible actions of the film's producer."




It might have been a nice gesture if the press had chosen to reproduce the statement.

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