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Violence erupts in Sydney over anti-Islam film


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How come everytime a muslim does something bad, the usual suspects on here are calling for all the muslim forum members to publically denounce those actions, however, none of these calls happen when a christian does something bad (e.g. trouble in Ireland), men do something bad, a band does something bad, or a football supporter does something bad (e.g. trashing a tram).


How come muslims have to provide a public denouncement of the mental members of their group, while virtually every other collection of people don't?


None of your examples are people professing to represent the groups they are members of, be they christain, men or sports. Secondly none of them are calling for the death of westerners.


But when the likes of the EDL or BNP claim to speak for the British people, they are almost immediately denounced by fellow British people both on national TV and on places like here.

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But when the likes of the EDL or BNP claim to speak for the British people, they are almost immediately denounced by fellow British people both on national TV and on places like here.


They are also supported on here by people who denounce Muslims for being violent but the same people have tendencies towards violence themselves. Raoul Moat was mentioned above. Here's Danny Cooke, organiser of Barnsley BNP, saying he fancies doing a Raoul Moat; http://www.hopenothate.org.uk/blog/article/1401/an-accident-waiting-to-happen

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I read that Chris Stevens was raped before being murdered. Then I read that he was a Bay Area boy, from Piedmont. RIP, Christopher Stevens. God, his family!


Someone else asked why would they send a gay man to a middle east country. I wonder the same thing as well as why would he go, knowing the atmosphere there? Those responsible for this are savages.

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Life Of Brian was banned by loads of councils in this country and still was until recently by some. Torbay only lifted the ban in 2008. Harrogate banned it without even seeing it. But that's Christians for you.


Those darn Christians censor everything!

They rely on the faithful being fearful to keep them in line.

Throughout history, they conquored countries in the name of the Lord and put hertics to death.....oh, sorry, I'm suppost to be Muslim bashing, aren't I?

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They can riot and kill eachother as far as im concerned, the moment that becomes a direct problem and threat to my family then they will need all the spirit they can muster.


I feel sorry for a group of people who cannot take themselves with a pinch of salt. Normal non racist people are becoming ever more fearful of this constant drumroll and i agree not everyone is the same, but it might not matter years down the line.


Mankind has a history of reacting with fear and obliterating that which scares them, it's a slippery slope i hope we do not reach but almost seems inevitable.

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Here's a fairly unequivocal press statement from the Muslim Council of Great Britain from two days ago:


"The Muslim Council (MCB) calls on all parties to halt violence sparked by outrage at a video trailer of a disgraceful film mocking the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).


Such violence led to the death of US ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, yesterday – the 9/11 anniversary – following the release of a trailer for a video mocking the life of Islam's most holy figure. Crowds also stormed the US embassy grounds in Cairo, where they burned the US flag.


"The violence we saw is not in keeping with the teachings of the Prophet, whose honour these people wish to defend. Those who carried out these attacks are in a minority and do not speak for Muslims, or our faith. The death of the US ambassador to Libya is a deep tragedy, particularly as the country is taking its first steps towards democratic transition following the overthrow of dictatorship last year. Whilst this in no way justifies these attacks, the film-maker responsible for this defamatory video mocking Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, should be ashamed of his actions. That Pastor Terry Jones, the so-called Qu'ran burner, in Florida should also be promoting this film is deeply worrying."


"We urge that such vile actions of a few on both sides must not be allowed to create divisions. Understanding, mutual respect and peaceful dialogue must prevail. We hope that others will join us in condemning both the violence in Egypt and Libya, and the irresponsible actions of the film's producer."




It might have been a nice gesture if the press had chosen to reproduce the statement.


The MCB speak in subtle tones to appear moderate, but let's be clear, they're unequivocal in their condemnation of a persons absolute right to deride their religion. They share the same point of view as the fanatics, but at least we should be thankful they're not killing and burning for it.


The film maker has not broken a single law in their homeland.

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