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Violence erupts in Sydney over anti-Islam film


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I hear the video is rather satirical and plugged with some stuff that is a bit below the belt, but still if these people are not muslim, and if they are not reading and following the quran then they have every right to express their own view.


Even if most of these people are just protesting, the very fact they are protesting would be shielding radicals from view, go home, read your religious text and screw whoever is taking the mick of your belief....it does not matter.

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They are also supported on here by people who denounce Muslims for being violent but the same people have tendencies towards violence themselves. Raoul Moat was mentioned above. Here's Danny Cooke, organiser of Barnsley BNP, saying he fancies doing a Raoul Moat; http://www.hopenothate.org.uk/blog/article/1401/an-accident-waiting-to-happen


that has nothing to do with what is being discussed.

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a serious question - is the muslim religion really so fragile and unsure of itself that they have to go right over the top whenever its tested, or is it just immaturity?
Short answer = yes and yes.

However, our policy of appeasing those revolting people simply encourages more of the same! (Please note that by revolting people, I mean people in the act of revolt.)

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I read that Chris Stevens was raped before being murdered. Then I read that he was a Bay Area boy, from Piedmont. RIP, Christopher Stevens. God, his family!


Someone else asked why would they send a gay man to a middle east country. I wonder the same thing as well as why would he go, knowing the atmosphere there? Those responsible for this are savages.


mmmm I already put that earlier in the thread backed up from a very reputable source and an over zealous mod deems it fit not only to edit my post but change the bit i quoted completely.


Its not as though i made anything up so why censor everything.Its almost as if they are trying to hide the fact that it happened.Shame on you whichever mod edited my post for trying to hide the fact.Its in the public domain not something made up.

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I read that Chris Stevens was raped before being murdered. Then I read that he was a Bay Area boy, from Piedmont. RIP, Christopher Stevens. God, his family!


Someone else asked why would they send a gay man to a middle east country. I wonder the same thing as well as why would he go, knowing the atmosphere there? Those responsible for this are savages.


Wasn't his car hit by an RPG? Or has that story now changed?

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The MCB speak in subtle tones to appear moderate, but let's be clear, they're unequivocal in their condemnation of a persons absolute right to deride their religion. They share the same point of view as the fanatics, but at least we should be thankful they're not killing and burning for it.


The film maker has not broken a single law in their homeland.


This would have been a better way to condemn it.


"The Muslim Council (MCB) calls on all parties to halt violence sparked by outrage at a video trailer of a film mocking the life of Prophet Muhammad, please remember this is just a film and in no represents the views of all non Muslims.


Such violence led to the death of US ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, yesterday – the 9/11 anniversary – following the release of a trailer for a video mocking the life of Islam's most holy figure. Crowds also stormed the US embassy grounds in Cairo, where they burned the US flag.


"The violence we saw is not in keeping with the teachings of the Prophet, whose honour these people wish to defend. Those who carried out these attacks should be ashamed to call them self’s Muslims, and their action serve only to bring shame on the religion of Islam. The death of the US ambassador to Libya is a deep tragedy, particularly as the country is taking its first steps towards democratic transition following the overthrow of dictatorship last year.


"We urge that such vile actions of our brother Muslims should cease at once, Understanding, mutual respect and peaceful dialogue must prevail. We hope that others will join us in condemning the violence in Egypt and Libya.

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I read that Chris Stevens was raped before being murdered. Then I read that he was a Bay Area boy, from Piedmont. RIP, Christopher Stevens. God, his family!


Someone else asked why would they send a gay man to a middle east country. I wonder the same thing as well as why would he go, knowing the atmosphere there? Those responsible for this are savages.


Also it was the same thing that happened to Gaddafi.

Apparently it makes them less of a man in the next life.:loopy:

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In western nations we do not allow the extreme parts of our population to rise up like this and kill foreigners! We are constantly told this kind of thing is only carried out by a tiny minority, so why does the peaceful majority fail to prevent these things from happening?

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I hear the video is rather satirical and plugged with some stuff that is a bit below the belt, but still if these people are not muslim, and if they are not reading and following the quran then they have every right to express their own view.


Even if most of these people are just protesting, the very fact they are protesting would be shielding radicals from view, go home, read your religious text and screw whoever is taking the mick of your belief....it does not matter.


This is the crux of the matter. These violent eruptions will continue to happen (especially as more of the world becomes ever more connected and have access to content that challenges their religious beliefs) until Muslims accept the absolute right to free speech and the right to deride their religion for whatever reason.


The USA may have many valid criticisms, but their strong statutory defence of free speech is what needs to be adapted by the rest of the world, not the US to regress from it.

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