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Another teenager stabbed in London

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The Telegraph is reporting that he's the 6th teenager to die "on London's streets this year" (I don't know if that's meant literally). Four have been stabbed, one strangled and one died through head injuries. The figue compares with about 28, 15, 18 and 15 in the last few years so with nearly three quarters of the year gone the trend is down. Given that there must be up to a million teenagers in London then the percentage is minute.

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Well from my own personal point of view i think it is down to lack of education and well for a better word Ghetto culture.


Where if you haven't got anything you think its ok to join a gang to take of others, gang culture seems to have come over from the states and jamaica and on to our streets within the last say 20 years.


These days from what i can tell it is definitely west African/ Afro Carribean issue, ok you get white gangs but the majority seems to be black


Rubbish. Racist rubbish at that.


Gang culture has always existed, and, it's not a race thing- it's a human nature thing.


For example, the famous 'Sheffield gangs wars' of the 1920's which definitly took place considerably more than your '20 years ago', and, were made up of whites.






A lesson from modern English hstory was Sheffield in the 1920s, which was terrorised by gangsters. They lived in cramped back to back houses in courtyards which sociologists use as an excuse for preying on other poor people, but joining a gang gives power, a sense of importance, of belonging to something, money, possessions, prestige and low women being available.


The Sheffield gangs waited outside factories on pay day and took workers' wages off them. Bookmakers operated outside factory gates with “runners” inside collecting bets for them and one made £75 to around a £100 each day even though it was illegal. Another popular form of gambling was “pitch and toss.” This is a simple form of betting that had no equipment to pack up and carry away. It was just tossing 3 coins into the air with the two forefingers and betting on the proportion of, say, heads that turned up.


Then, after that, you may recall the 'mods and rockers', primarily white gangs, violent, and notorious for use of blades (flickknives/switchblades).

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Rubbish. Racist rubbish at that.


Gang culture has always existed, and, it's not a race thing- it's a human nature thing.


For example, the famous 'Sheffield gangs wars' of the 1920's which definitly took place considerably more than your '20 years ago', and, were made up of whites.









Then, after that, you may recall the 'mods and rockers', primarily white gangs, violent, and notorious for use of blades (flickknives/switchblades).

The mods and rockers were not known for the carrying of flick knives,I think you're getting mixed up with Teddy Boys..they very rarely used them,more for show

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knife crime and gun crime may have risen these days but I think you might find that it may seem that way due to the fact news is now very easily available and has caused a lot of paranoia against street gangs,they used to gather on street corners in the past and no one took any notice including the Police, now any more than two and its armour plate all round and they are moved on,most of the gangs I have come across just wish to mingle a la 60's but they are not allowed to,try chatting to them you may get a pleasant surprise,oh by the way that includes black and white kids.

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As in todays news vastly embellished to suit, come on LeMaquis you're usually one of the first to deride the media,Im not saying they were non existent, the reporter may have seen one knife but sadly one knife doesnt make good reading does it.

I think the fact that only two had knife wounds points to if it were as bad as the media made out it would have been a veritable bloodbath at all the southern coastal towns

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knife crime and gun crime may have risen these days but I think you might find that it may seem that way due to the fact news is now very easily available and has caused a lot of paranoia against street gangs,they used to gather on street corners in the past and no one took any notice including the Police, now any more than two and its armour plate all round and they are moved on,most of the gangs I have come across just wish to mingle a la 60's but they are not allowed to,try chatting to them you may get a pleasant surprise,oh by the way that includes black and white kids.


Hey, for once we're in agreement!

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You'll be vilified for that comment and called racist etc but the truth is a lot of knife crime down that neck of the woods is related to the African community and YES there is white lads carrying knifes too but it's mainly a african black problem that can only be dealt with by the black community


Africa ranges from Morocco to RSA-you really need to be more specific in your assignment of blame.

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I started this topic as i want to discuss why most gun and knife crimes (that are in any case reported in the news) are committed by black people



That's just how it is,the black community are big on knife gun and muggings and drugs and the white community are into fraud and on-line crime.

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