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Another teenager stabbed in London

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That's just how it is,the black community are big on knife gun and muggings and drugs and the white community are into fraud and on-line crime.


That's a set of very sweeping sterotypes you have there.

I don't think it's actually particularly valid to think of things in those terms these days...your mugger is more likely to be white in all honesty, but crime crosses all racial and ethnic groups.

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That's just how it is,the black community are big on knife gun and muggings and drugs and the white community are into fraud and on-line crime.


Did you read the rest of the thread?

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knife crime and gun crime may have risen these days but I think you might find that it may seem that way due to the fact news is now very easily available and has caused a lot of paranoia against street gangs,they used to gather on street corners in the past and no one took any notice including the Police, now any more than two and its armour plate all round and they are moved on,most of the gangs I have come across just wish to mingle a la 60's but they are not allowed to,try chatting to them you may get a pleasant surprise,oh by the way that includes black and white kids.


I've just re-read this. What gives Glamrocker? You're sounding more human and sane by the moment. I like it.

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It's at times like this I turn to the font of knowledge that is Ross kemp. Most of the time when he goes down to violent run down cities (like large chunks of London) poverty is the most common denominator. Occasionally race, occasionally religion, occasionally drug fuelled but when you peel all that away its always poverty.


Gangs aren't new. The "gangster" rap that the daily mail is so fearful of isn't new. 20 years ago, me and my white chums listened to it and didn't feel the need to, if I remember correctly, pop a cap in someone's ass. But we weren't poor or stupid. Alot of the knife wielding youth of today sadly are.

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It's at times like this I turn to the font of knowledge that is Ross kemp. Most of the time when he goes down to violent run down cities (like large chunks of London) poverty is the most common denominator. Occasionally race, occasionally religion, occasionally drug fuelled but when you peel all that away its always poverty.


Gangs aren't new. The "gangster" rap that the daily mail is so fearful of isn't new. 20 years ago, me and my white chums listened to it and didn't feel the need to, if I remember correctly, pop a cap in someone's ass. But we weren't poor or stupid. Alot of the knife wielding youth of today sadly are.


indeed, agree with most of that wholeheartedly i think, ive listened to gangster rap since its inception too, love ice t's stuff tons

but i dont run round murdering people

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Gang culture is nothing new but the rise of knife carrying is. Look towards the United States for an example the Bronx in New York an area of high unemployment which breeds poverty and a culture melting pot of races. They do have one thing in common when they leave school they find they cant get a job and start to feel worthless and see little hope in there lifes. Thats the flash point for them to join a gang but they need to prove they are'hard man' so go out armed to attack another gang to 'prove' there worth to there gang. The U.S. makes films which show such gangs so the idea spreads to other counties.Now its here in Britain in our schools and on our streets here to we have high unemployment. When school leavers find its so hard to find a job some will be drawn to theses gangs theres no straight forward answer to this problem 'the rule of hood' is here to stay who knows you son or daughter could join so such a gang and pay for it with there life. Not everone who wears a hoodie a gang member.

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