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Bigotry, Intolerance towards those with different opinions

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You're trying to blame a dictionary (you've referred to Oxford, but I don't think you mean OED) for your choice to only consider the rather limited definition that you found in that particular online reference...


:huh:I’m not blaming the dictionary for anything, it’s not me claiming the dictionary is wrong, it’s you; I choose to use a broad definition of the word whilst you choose to use a much narrower definition.

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You apparently don't understand the logic of your own words.


The only evidence you have presented to us that GB was intolerant was the fact that he called her a bigot.


So you are basing your assertion that he is a bigot, on his assertion that she is a bigot.


As I've said multiple times, by your definition this makes you intolerant of GB and a bigot, but you deny this.


You apparently don’t understand the difference between fact and opinion, it’s my opinion that GB demonstrated intolerance toward the lady because of her opinions, which makes him a bigot, I have no idea if it is a fact that he is a bigot and I have no desire to prove it, it’s not that important.


Its just an opinion.



A view or judgment formed about something,




In short, each side has a justified stance on this and deserves to be respected, unless you are Nick Clegg who clearly considers anyone who disagrees with him to be a bigot. In my book, Clegg emerged the biggest bigot of the lot as he showed no tolerance of a differing view.


On immigration, on gay marriage, indeed, on any issue where the public may not share the views of the political class, the solution, it seems, is not to engage in a debate - rather, it is to try to shut debate down by branding one side as ‘bigoted’


Nick Clegg said: “Indeed, I know people myself who do not support equal marriage and, although I disagree with them, clearly I do not think they are bigots. Nor do I think it is acceptable they, or anyone else, are insulted in this way.”
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Disagreeing with an opinion (and/or identifying the holder of that opinion as a bigot due to that opinion) is not showing intolerance.


People routinely disagree with the opinions of others, to label everyone who will not agree with any stated opinion as a bigot renders the word meaningless.


Edit - you are wrong in believing that he was being intolerant, thus you are wrong in saying that he is a bigot.




He wasn't unable or unwilling to endure her opinion, nor did he attempt to stop her expressing it (and it wasn't religious in nature). He labelled her because of her opinion (probably correctly) and he was rather two faced about it since he did it behind her back (but then again only to himself as far as he knew at the time).


The definition of bigot that you are looking at is too simple

This is a better one


You'll note that in this definition bigotry is defined as being an attitude applied to a group of people, not generally to individuals.


I have a better example in just one word...... cyclone. is there any thread on this forum that you dont attack and violate the posters within? when did you become the worlds leading figure in talking absolute *****? its all well and good playing word games with people and filling your posts with utter dribble, but commenting your bile on a bigot thread?????? thats like nick clegg claiming he has never upset a student.

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I have a better example in just one word...... cyclone. is there any thread on this forum that you dont attack and violate the posters within? when did you become the worlds leading figure in talking absolute *****? its all well and good playing word games with people and filling your posts with utter dribble, but commenting your bile on a bigot thread?????? thats like nick clegg claiming he has never upset a student.


I thought martial arts taught people a measure of composure?

Perhaps you need to take a few deep breaths.


You seem to be confusing 'attacking and violating' with 'asking questions and making observations'.


Your assesment of Cyclone is utterly incompatible with what he's actually said and the way he's conducted himself.

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You apparently don’t understand the difference between fact and opinion, it’s my opinion that GB demonstrated intolerance toward the lady because of her opinions, which makes him a bigot, I have no idea if it is a fact that he is a bigot and I have no desire to prove it, it’s not that important.


Its just an opinion.



A view or judgment formed about something,


And it was just his opinion that she was a bigot.


So by your definition you're showing intolerance to GB and must now consider yourself a bigot, no?

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Perhaps you're just trying to dig yourself deeper into a hole with MrSmith,


I'd give it up as a bad job, admit you're a bigot.


No, I think you're just missing the point entirely, we aren't discussing whether GB was correct or not, in fact it's utterly irrelevant to what we are discussing.

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