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Does smoking THC kill?


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but we use them to breathe do we not


The lungs don't do the breathing. What we call 'breathing' is the inhalation and exhalation of air and waste gases, which is done by the diaphragm, ribcage and intercostal muscles, along with the very fortuitous vacuum seal between the outside of the lungs and the pleura, which means that when the diaphragm pushes down and the intercostals push the ribcage outwards then the lungs expand and take in air accordingly. As soon as the muscles relax this then pushes the inhaled air back out of the lungs and we have 'breathed' some air.


What the lungs do is simply to have a very large surface area of very thin membranes which allow gaseous transport across the membranes in and out of the bloodstream. Other than this they don't move or pump anything- that is all done by other parts of the chest.

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We use many parts of our to body to breathe.


Lungs don't generally "fail" - they're quite good at their task. :)


The lungs don't do the breathing. What we call 'breathing' is the inhalation and exhalation of air and waste gases, which is done by the diaphragm, ribcage and intercostal muscles, along with the very fortuitous vacuum seal between the outside of the lungs and the pleura, which means that when the diaphragm pushes down and the intercostals push the ribcage outwards then the lungs expand and take in air accordingly. As soon as the muscles relax this then pushes the inhaled air back out of the lungs and we have 'breathed' some air.


What the lungs do is simply to have a very large surface area of very thin membranes which allow gaseous transport across the membranes in and out of the bloodstream. Other than this they don't move or pump anything- that is all done by other parts of the chest.




so as i said we use them to breathe, if we didn't have lungs we wouldn't be able to breathe would we ?

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This might be worth a read.


Cannabis lung health risks underestimated


One third of people think cannabis is harmless despite the fact that smoking it is 20 times more likely to cause cancer than tobacco,

Well, it is from the Telegraph! :hihi:

This bit is interesting:


"...one study has suggested that smoking just one cannabis cigarette every day for one year increases the risk of developing lung cancer by a similar amount to smoking 20 tobacco cigarettes for the same period, although further research is needed..."


So they have simply assumed a linear relationship between the number of cigarettes smoked and the chance of developing cancer. If only everything in life were that simple! :hihi: This is obviously NOT the work of scientists.

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Well, it is from the Telegraph! :hihi:

This bit is interesting:


"...one study has suggested that smoking just one cannabis cigarette every day for one year increases the risk of developing lung cancer by a similar amount to smoking 20 tobacco cigarettes for the same period, although further research is needed..."


So they have simply assumed a linear relationship between the number of cigarettes smoked and the chance of developing cancer. If only everything in life were that simple! :hihi: This is obviously NOT the work of scientists.


Published by the British Lung Foundation and on the NHS website.

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I know most people smoke cannabis mixed with tobacco, which is where I can understand the cancer bit coming from.


But if cannabis was to be smoked pure - in a bong, then surely the cancer is cut out?


I did read somewhere that all these "studies" that prove cannabis causes cancer, is just scare tactics issued by the government to dissuade people from using the drug because it's not legal and they can't tax it.




(UPDATE) Friend is OK. Pneumonia or some crap..... :loopy:

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Any kind of smoke can contribute to lung cancer-tobbacco, cannabis and bonfire smoke can too. small particles/dust contribute to lung diseases cotton workers who cleaned up in mills used to get cancer.there's miners lung, farmers lung, asbestos etc etc.

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