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Government considering a benefits freeze for 2 years.

Benefits freeze for 2 yrs,is is the right thing to do?  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. Benefits freeze for 2 yrs,is is the right thing to do?

    • yes
    • no
    • dont care

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I for one dont mind some of my direct and indirect taxation going to help those more vulnerable than I am - I have a feeling its called "civilisation" , or is it "decency"?


After all, all working people also receive plenty of benefit from tax spending - Unless they use no public service whatsoever


Well put, its what civilisation is based on. The other alternative is The Law of the Jungle, or The Survival Of the Fittest.

A different type of criminal would rule the roost, violent gangsters instead of Torys...............then society would just collapse.

Our ruling 'Posh Boys', without the protection of the law would be out of their depth.


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No its not. A cut is just that. a reduction.


No increase means something stands still.

Clearly you don't understand the effect of inflation on purchasing power.


If prices are going up by 4% annually and your income doesn't go up to match it, that means a cut of 4% in your spending power.


Your income is exactly the same but it won't buy as much.


It doesn't take many years of this to make a big dent in people's incomes.



Disposable income at nine-year low, ONS figures show


Inflation erosion of income is key personal finance concern [Investor Today]


You Call It Inflation, I Call It Theft [Forbes magazine]


Inflation: The Stealth Tax we’re still too lazy to Avoid

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Clearly you don't understand the effect of inflation on purchasing power.


If prices are going up by 4% annually and your income doesn't go up to match it, that means a cut of 4% in your spending power.


Your income is exactly the same but it won't buy as much.


It doesn't take many years of this to make a big dent in people's incomes.



Disposable income at nine-year low, ONS figures show


Inflation erosion of income is key personal finance concern [Investor Today]


You Call It Inflation, I Call It Theft [Forbes magazine]


Inflation: The Stealth Tax we’re still too lazy to Avoid


Ok then, this then leads on to another question. If Public workers like nurses are getting a reduction in their spending power via pay freezes is it right that people on benefits are getting pay rises?

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Maybe they will have to stop smoking and drinking, cancel Sky and mobile phone, stop buying tracksuits and trainers, and walk into town instead of catching the bus. Oh and stop buying scratchcards. And sell the plasma screen TV.


Oh dear, aren't the poor, poor enough for you. Don't worry, the Tories and Lib Dems are fixing that.

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No its not. A cut is just that. a reduction.


No increase means something stands still. What law states that benefits HAVE to increase year on year.


Wages dont automatically increase so why should benefits?


Beacause the benefit level is mean to represent a minimum standard. As such it's only reasonable that it's tied to the measure of that standard which is inflation. If we ever get negative inflation then the benefit level should be reduced, that's hardly ever happens though (has it ever happend one wonders)

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I think this is wrong,the week are being punished as it is and now we have the prospect of no increase in benefits for 2 yrs.

What do others think of this ? and how will it impact on you.


Which benefits? all of them? At least post a link to what you are writing.


I thought universal credit started next year.

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I think this is wrong,the week are being punished as it is and now we have the prospect of no increase in benefits for 2 yrs.

What do others think of this ? and how will it impact on you.


Multi millionnaire bankers cause a deficit, multi millionnaire Tories cause a double dip recession...their answer... cut benefits to the poor.


Cutting benefits and wages doesn't work because it means people have less spending power. Less spending power means they don't buy consumer goods...net result the economy stalls. Their answer? more cuts.


Tories should change their name to, The Party For Multi Millionnaires, because these are the only people they represent

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Maybe they will have to stop smoking and drinking, cancel Sky and mobile phone, stop buying tracksuits and trainers, and walk into town instead of catching the bus. Oh and stop buying scratchcards. And sell the plasma screen TV.

And all on £65 per week job seekers,youve been listening to too many people spouting rubbish

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