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Save our Badgers

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For a thread about saving badgers, this is one of most moronic of this forum's posts in the last year or so. (and that IS saying something)


its not moronic to assume the reason they have decided on this tactic when all the evidence seems to be against it is that a significant number of their voters want it.

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When Labour were in office they had a vaccination programme in place. When Tories came in they scrapped it and decided to cull instead



Probably their way at getting back at Labour for banning hunting with hounds, although the hunts are still out there.

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hiya everyone, im new here i live down the road in Rotherham lol and hoped some local animal lovers would sign and share this petition to try to stop the cruel cull of our badgers, if they reach 100,000 they can ask for it to be debated in parliament, thank you.




also if you buy dairy products and want to help badgers buy from the co-op their farms dont support the cull.



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Because, like the Bankers, Farmers make big donations to theTory party. That, and only that, is the reason why the Tories are planning to go ahead with this lunicy.


Bankers and Farmers rule the Tory party... As for the rest of us...have a wage or benefit cut.


I have to ask, do you actually know any farmers?

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