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Save our Badgers

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Another report quotes Scotland being TB free without culling a single badger; something to do with better farming methods, so that leaves merry olde England.


exactly! Germany have badgers but not bTB


and isnt it funny that bTB has been present on the Isle of Man despite there being no badgers over there!


Badgers are just the scape goats!

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A few points:

People in this country campaign against the slaughter of elephants, rhinos guerillas and many otjher species abroad cos they might become extinct and then the UK government decides its ok for mass extermination of one of our largest natural mammals for reasons of profit-what a bunch of hypocrits SOME people are.

I thought that the animal products just couldn't be exported.

Not all farmers approve of this wanton slaughter.

If you've got TB in your area-grow summat else!!!

I'll be buying mydairy products from the co-op (and letting them know why)

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A few points:

People in this country campaign against the slaughter of elephants, rhinos guerillas and many otjher species abroad cos they might become extinct and then the UK government decides its ok for mass extermination of one of our largest natural mammals for reasons of profit-what a bunch of hypocrits SOME people are.

I thought that the animal products just couldn't be exported.

Not all farmers approve of this wanton slaughter.

If you've got TB in your area-grow summat else!!!

I'll be buying mydairy products from the co-op (and letting them know why)


of one of our largest 'PROTECTED' natural mammals


You forgot that bit, not that it counts for much.

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