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Save our Badgers

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As many people will now know this unelected bunch of multi millionaires has ignored the advice of the experts and is planing to kill thousands of Badgers.


Every animal charity is against. All experts are against. The RSPB has even said that they will not allow anyone on their Nature Reserves who think they are going to kill our Badgers.


This petition has only been going for a couple of weeks but already has thousands of signitures. Please add yours and save our Badgers.




Despite all the evidence against, public opinion against and losing the house of commons debate Superclown Owen Paterson has said that the slaughtering of Badgers will go ahead in June. Please sign petiton and make this fox hunter look an even bigger fool than he already looks. http://www.badger-killers.com/supermarkets/ http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/38257

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I agree with Brian Mays reasons for not killing the badgers, but we have to find other solutions for the farmers problems with the cattle and the TB infection which in its own right is a terrible disease


Yes of course. Every animal charity is against the Badger Cull including RSPCA. These charities don't prefer badgers to cows but support all animals. They just don't see a Cull as a solution and like many people are suspicious of the motives behind those who do.

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I agree with Brian Mays reasons for not killing the badgers, but we have to find other solutions for the farmers problems with the cattle and the TB infection which in its own right is a terrible disease


How about using the method used by just about everyone else. Vaccination?

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I saw a badger for the first time ever the other night on my way home from work. Why did nobody ever tell me how big and scary they are?!? Having one run at you out of a cemetery at 1am is no fun I tell you!


I'm not signing any petitions, I now have an official phobia of badgers :(



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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