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Petrol Pump Rip Off ?


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In this day and age of paying by card, is it pointless to just put in exactly £10 or £20? It's just a number.


Why assume everyone's paying by card? It's only recently that card payments have just trickled past 50%, they are a long way off 100% of all transactions.

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I would imagine the equipment has to by law be calibrated on probably a six monthly cycle, or could be less, I wouldn't know. But what I do know is, it's perfectly feasible for a newly calibrated piece of equipment to go wrong, and the garage wouldn't neccessarily know about it for another six months unless Joe Public starts complaining.


I would just tell the cashier politely that you felt the reading 'skipped' when you replaced the hose. If it happens next time you visit, then you're perfectly at liberty to report it to (I presume) the trading standards.

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The reason you sometimes can't put exactly £10 or £20 into your car is simply down to maths. Fuel is priced to 3 decimal places, ie £1.399 but the pump delivers to 2 decimal places.


Simply, if the price is £1.399 and you put in 14.29 ltrs of fuel, you'd pay £19.991 for your fuel - though you can't pay that so it's rounded down to £19.99. If you put 14.30 ltrs in, the price would be £20.005. Again you can't pay that so it's rounded up to £20.01.


It purely depends on the price per litre at the time so as shown above, some amounts are impossible to get. You can't put £20 exactly in when the price is £1.399.


Now I'm NOT saying that this is how EVERY pump/till system works at all petrol stations but it does in many.


Also, trading standards in the form of weights and measures come every 6 months (by law) to test the accuracy of the dispensing.

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