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Should a persons DNA be taken & registered at birth

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serious question with all the horrendous crimes of rape , murder & assult not to mention burglary, theft of vehicles, should every persons DNA be taken at birth??? eventually there would be a huge database that could be crossmatched to help detect the attacker, obviously also in this day and age of free cross borders and immigration should every person have their DNA taken on entry to the uk?? i certainly think this would make things much easier for the police to convict terrorists and such like, it would cost a huge amount but surely worth it.....would even create more jobs!

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What would happen if a corrupt policeman/woman planted your DNA at a crime scene.

You would be found guilty due to the 3 billion to 1 odds it not been yours.


unlikey! but obviously normal crime solving methods would still be used it would just be another tool to solve the crime.

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unlikey! but obviously normal crime solving methods would still be used it would just be another tool to solve the crime.


Really? How many people have been fitted up with evidence or false confessions recently then...


Of course it's not just the police that could do it - if everyone was on the DNA database I'd just take a pile of fag ends from the wall ashtray outside a boozer and throw them randomly through the crime scene as I perpetrated my dastardly acts. There's a hundred false leads to tie the police up and they may light on some schlep they can fit up before they find me....

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unlikey! but obviously normal crime solving methods would still be used it would just be another tool to solve the crime.


If it was a good idea why do you think most people are against it.

I would move to North Korea if i wanted to live in a totalitarian state.


How often have you seen government workers lose very sensitive data.

Its also not unlikely that one of the many corrupt police officers could frame someone.

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