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Policewomen killed today- should UK Police be armed?

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My opinion, is that something that serious warrants the 'suspect' locked up until such time as the investigation rules them out, or they are formally charged.



They would have to change the law,as a suspect without being charged, can only be held for 48 hrs,or round about.Any longer will need a judges consent.


I was under the impression that the presumption of a right to bail only extended to less serious offences and it was only granted in murder cases where there was compelling evidence to suggest the defendant was safe to be released into the community, usually with onerous conditions.


EDIT: Oops, just seen he was never charged for the previous murders, so bail would have been granted pending enquiries

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As the title of this thread suggests, this thread is about showing respect for two police officers who lost their lives.


I have posted on the thread, so I won't be moderating it. However, I suggest just as a user, that if people don't stop arguing with each other about the place of women in the police force, it will probably be closed.




The title indeed does suggest that the only reason for the thread being started is to show respect for the two ladies who lost their lives so tragically. RIP.

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I do not think that would be common sense at all tbh, i think the only common sense approach is a zero tolerance policy for guns, if your caught carrying one or using one either way should be a life prison sentence.





I think it's pretty obvious they do not think twice about any idea's hence why they are criminals.


armed police means armed criminals and luckily we do not have too much gun crime in the uk and i think it should stay like that, if gun crime does get worse then i think the only way police should be able to use guns is special units of armed officers not all officers carrying guns.



I thought the UK police force already had SWAT teams

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Tazers are ample, and in some areas I'd routinely arm police with them. Ok, if you have a dicky ticker you might die but you'd have a better chance than with a bullet. As tragic as the event in mottram is, it isn't common.


That said If I was a policeman, I'd dispense summery justice with my tazer, whether they are needed or not on car thieves, burglars etc. Its probably best I'm not a policeman.


Tazers are only good if the police officer can get near enough to the criminal to use them. Even a criminal armed only with a knife and waving it threateningly could make that difficult

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