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Policewomen killed today- should UK Police be armed?

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Its time we had a amnesty on guns and knives, after that any one with a gun or knive should have a 5 yr jail sentence, if it has been used against a person as a threat a further time added, and if injuries are sustained a still further time added, if used against a police officer a life time should be given


The only person to my way of thinking who needs a gun are Farmers for vermin control.,


Before the sport gun people start, they should belong to a gun club and all weapons held in a club secure premises under strict supervision


This would let us keep the present set up of the police having a A.R.Unit and having to arm all police being armed ( I wonder what the cost of arming the police would be )



What good is an amnesty? The criminals dont care about amnestys and never have.

What sentence does a criminal get now for threatening a person with a knife or a gun?

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What good is an amnesty? The criminals dont care about amnestys and never have.

What sentence does a criminal get now for threatening a person with a knife or a gun?


It raises awareness and gets weapons off the streets.

Weapons off the streets = a good thing.


As to the second part, I don't know, but I'm sure it would be easy to find out.

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It raises awareness and gets weapons off the streets.Weapons off the streets = a good thing.


As to the second part, I don't know, but I'm sure it would be easy to find out.


Perhaps a temporary fix overall. Trading in illegal firearms must make some good money for those in the business and over time more illegal weapons will appear. If the demand persists then the supply is available.


It's like drugs. A war that in the long run is completely unwinnable but with effective sentencing can be kept something near under control

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I agree with Harlyman weapons off the street , sentences to be made stronger and mandatory, not relying on good solicitors getting people off and a soft judges and magistrates giving smacked wrists and very light sentences


Basically that's what's needed. Gun or knife use in any crime should automatically get an additonal mandatory sentence of 7 years added on top of that already passed for committing the crime in the first place.


Amnesty's are not much good if soft judges and slick lawyers keep getting the perpetrators off with ridiculously light sentences

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In certain situations they should be armed, but at all times should wear bullet proof vests, the ones they wear are only stab vests. I'd love for them to bringing back hanging for such as Cregan, and the sicko's who've set up a site to praise him should be prosecuted.

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