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Policewomen killed today- should UK Police be armed?

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As for police with guns , its sad what happend regards these 2 officers and i feel for their families left , but No i wouldnt give police guns at all ..as more innocent murderes would guarantee happen in this Country

If the death penalty was out now as many yrs ago

then more innocents would have been sent to the Gallows and you cant bring them back

when true evidence yrs later come to light


and so my reason i would not ever vote for the Death penalty either read below vv


I was on jury service some yrs ago and one reason i would not vote for such

belows part of a true story vv


I was on a jury trial once on jury service , this guy was accused of a crime he did not commit

he was beat up by the police just so as both CID officers could get a false confession from him in their notebook

after the beating he took from them both


they also were found out by his solicitor with several big lies in this case

instance asked by solicitor

Q/ how do you open and close your wondows in the police station officer ?


Police officer in plain clothes Answers ..Sorry what do you mean by such ?


Solicitor Q/ Again plain and simple Question Officer How do you open and close your

windows in the police station instance do you use a wooden pole as School teachers use

with the brass hook on the end , or how do you open/close your windows

this is a simple Question in front of the Jury here


Officer Answers , We open and close windows with standing on a table


Solicitor, Are you sure Officer


Officer, Yes as we dont have wooden poles to open / close windows in the police station


Solicitor sais Well thats so much different to what your co-hab police officer

friend just answered in the witness box under oath just 5 mins ago

in which he claims you all open / close the windows in the police station

by the use of the wooden poles with the brass hook on the end of it


and you are telling lies under Oath in front of the jury and Sheriff


You want to have seen both the police officers faces

IF looks could kill , as one stared intently at the other


These 2 officers were also found out with other lies

the Lie with the wooden pole was when that officer denying such a pole existed

he was the one whom threatened the accused with breaking his nose

this just after breaking the woodenpole onto the top of a table in where the accused

was seated to put the frighteners up him , and then approx 18 " broke from the end of the table in which the officer shouted to the accused to pick this broken piece of the pole up and hand it to him


then both officers sat at each side of the accused side

bringing a chair both to each side at the table in where the accused was seated

and whilst one officer leaned the broken part of the pole against the bridge of the accuseds nose

and was bawling to the accused right now , tell us you done such , or if not you are getting your f'n nose broken

you skinny b@----d

the guy upset at this denied knowing a thing and that he was completely innocent

and knew nothing all the time in such


The officers then both began punching the accused on both upper arms

and upper legs , and at one point one officer picked the accused up bodily

and kneed him to give him a dead leg

they then both left the room and left the accused to himself in a state


then both these officers came back into the room , and this time the officer whom

both picked the guy up bodily and kneed him in the top of his leg

and had sais he would break his nose with the part of broken pole etc


He changed from being very evil , into being speaking soft

in a way to get a false confession from the accused


he sais right now so and so , with his hand covering the print

in his notebook , sais Sign here and we shall let you go

the guy upset at his treatment, couldnt sign such quick enough

and he just had signed a confession of a crime he knew nothing about


The officer in Q/ had then at that very point held the notepad in the air

and as he was walking out the room with his co-hab friend sais

this is all we need ..which was a confession of a crime in which

the accused never commited


The guy was sent to prison in Saughton in Edinburgh in where he was for 110 days

and in the untried section of prison awaiting trial by jury


The guy was freed after trial in Scotland with a Not Proven verdict

and outside court as he left with his family and Solicitor

he shouted over to the some members of the Jury outside the building

i was Not Guilty ..Jury sais we know , but the way trial went was only settlement

we could bring


Anyhow since this trial the guy had complained at the time about

his treatment by these 2 cid officers whilst being interrogated in police station

that day


The same area police looked into such , but nothing was done , although 1 yr approx

later one of these officers was seen working for a security firm in Edinburgh

and then like back in that police station was sniffing constantly as if on drugs

when he was seen sitting on a service bus for Edinburgh with his security guard uniform on..


Since then he was last seen this Scottish police officer working with the MET police in London in 1996

as was seen close up on National TV after the Euro football tournament

was held in London , he was monotoring the crowds on the Streets of London

and he was one of their main men checking on their videos the London streets


This same officer had a whole page write up about him all nicey nicey

in the Scottish Daily record Newspaper with the headlines


Top Scottish Cop on a flying visit to Glasgow from Londons Met

to do with mobile fone fraud and such likes ..


Another case recently in the same town in Scotland in which one police officer

was jailed for 5 years WHY ? Because he was found Guilty after a trial yrs before

in which he changed his notebook details and lied on oath

in which 2 local men were jailed for life 10 yrs ago and had done 10 yrs

before new evidence came to light in which these 2 men could not have commited

this murder and after 10 yrs in prison were both released


The trial i was on jury the 1st one was a Sheriff court case in which

this guy had went through crap also whilst in the Untried section of prison

his solicitor sais he had urine thrown over top of him etc

and was on protection whilst in prison, and his Solicitor

as well as we on jury knew that guy was innocent

this guy i do know never received an ounce of compensation and all was kept hush hush

in that court case .


Was just recently an other officer from same force was found out lieing and was charged

with perjury and jailed for 5 yrs in which i reckon he got of far to lightly

after all the 2 guys had done 10 yrs before all came out in the end and they

also were released on their appeal and freed ..

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As for police with guns , its sad what happend regards these 2 officers and i feel for their families left , but No i wouldnt give police guns at all ..as more innocent murderes would guarantee happen in this Country

If the death penalty was out now as many yrs ago

then more innocents would have been sent to the Gallows and you cant bring them back

when true evidence yrs later come to light


and so my reason i would not ever vote for the Death penalty either read below vv


I was on jury service some yrs ago and one reason i would not vote for such

belows part of a true story vv


I was on a jury trial once on jury service , this guy was accused of a crime he did not commit

he was beat up by the police just so as both CID officers could get a false confession from him in their notebook

after the beating he took from them both


they also were found out by his solicitor with several big lies in this case

instance asked by solicitor

Q/ how do you open and close your wondows in the police station officer ?


Police officer in plain clothes Answers ..Sorry what do you mean by such ?


Solicitor Q/ Again plain and simple Question Officer How do you open and close your

windows in the police station instance do you use a wooden pole as School teachers use

with the brass hook on the end , or how do you open/close your windows

this is a simple Question in front of the Jury here


Officer Answers , We open and close windows with standing on a table


Solicitor, Are you sure Officer


Officer, Yes as we dont have wooden poles to open / close windows in the police station


Solicitor sais Well thats so much different to what your co-hab police officer

friend just answered in the witness box under oath just 5 mins ago

in which he claims you all open / close the windows in the police station

by the use of the wooden poles with the brass hook on the end of it


and you are telling lies under Oath in front of the jury and Sheriff


You want to have seen both the police officers faces

IF looks could kill , as one stared intently at the other


These 2 officers were also found out with other lies

the Lie with the wooden pole was when that officer denying such a pole existed

he was the one whom threatened the accused with breaking his nose

this just after breaking the woodenpole onto the top of a table in where the accused

was seated to put the frighteners up him , and then approx 18 " broke from the end of the table in which the officer shouted to the accused to pick this broken piece of the pole up and hand it to him


then both officers sat at each side of the accused side

bringing a chair both to each side at the table in where the accused was seated

and whilst one officer leaned the broken part of the pole against the bridge of the accuseds nose

and was bawling to the accused right now , tell us you done such , or if not you are getting your f'n nose broken

you skinny b@----d

the guy upset at this denied knowing a thing and that he was completely innocent

and knew nothing all the time in such


The officers then both began punching the accused on both upper arms

and upper legs , and at one point one officer picked the accused up bodily

and kneed him to give him a dead leg

they then both left the room and left the accused to himself in a state


then both these officers came back into the room , and this time the officer whom

both picked the guy up bodily and kneed him in the top of his leg

and had sais he would break his nose with the part of broken pole etc


He changed from being very evil , into being speaking soft

in a way to get a false confession from the accused


he sais right now so and so , with his hand covering the print

in his notebook , sais Sign here and we shall let you go

the guy upset at his treatment, couldnt sign such quick enough

and he just had signed a confession of a crime he knew nothing about


The officer in Q/ had then at that very point held the notepad in the air

and as he was walking out the room with his co-hab friend sais

this is all we need ..which was a confession of a crime in which

the accused never commited


The guy was sent to prison in Saughton in Edinburgh in where he was for 110 days

and in the untried section of prison awaiting trial by jury


The guy was freed after trial in Scotland with a Not Proven verdict

and outside court as he left with his family and Solicitor

he shouted over to the some members of the Jury outside the building

i was Not Guilty ..Jury sais we know , but the way trial went was only settlement

we could bring


Anyhow since this trial the guy had complained at the time about

his treatment by these 2 cid officers whilst being interrogated in police station

that day


The same area police looked into such , but nothing was done , although 1 yr approx

later one of these officers was seen working for a security firm in Edinburgh

and then like back in that police station was sniffing constantly as if on drugs

when he was seen sitting on a service bus for Edinburgh with his security guard uniform on..


Since then he was last seen this Scottish police officer working with the MET police in London in 1996

as was seen close up on National TV after the Euro football tournament

was held in London , he was monotoring the crowds on the Streets of London

and he was one of their main men checking on their videos the London streets


This same officer had a whole page write up about him all nicey nicey

in the Scottish Daily record Newspaper with the headlines


Top Scottish Cop on a flying visit to Glasgow from Londons Met

to do with mobile fone fraud and such likes ..


Another case recently in the same town in Scotland in which one police officer

was jailed for 5 years WHY ? Because he was found Guilty after a trial yrs before

in which he changed his notebook details and lied on oath

in which 2 local men were jailed for life 10 yrs ago and had done 10 yrs

before new evidence came to light in which these 2 men could not have commited

this murder and after 10 yrs in prison were both released


The trial i was on jury the 1st one was a Sheriff court case in which

this guy had went through crap also whilst in the Untried section of prison

his solicitor sais he had urine thrown over top of him etc

and was on protection whilst in prison, and his Solicitor

as well as we on jury knew that guy was innocent

this guy i do know never received an ounce of compensation and all was kept hush hush

in that court case .


Was just recently an other officer from same force was found out lieing and was charged

with perjury and jailed for 5 yrs in which i reckon he got of far to lightly

after all the 2 guys had done 10 yrs before all came out in the end and they

also were released on their appeal and freed ..


Its easy for you to say that:

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Its easy for you to say that:


Its easy for me to say that because i was on jury service


and my friend later worked beside that officer concerned in security

after this animal of an officer, got a job working with the security firm

he i also seen wearing his uniform on a public transport bus heading for Edinburgh for his work at Monarch Security ..



Ask George More Co criminal solicitors in Dublin street in Edinburgh

they know about such ..these things have happened for many a year

with regards the police trying anything they can to get a crime of their hands

and if they dont for some reason like someone

then that person well maybe the one whom ends up going through such

as i type , i can bet their are some innocent guys in prison right now


As for the most serious of crimes like Murders then the 2 guys accused

and were later sentenced to life inprisonment in Edinburgh's Saughton Prison

and 10 yrs later new evidence came out , that they could not have commited this terrible crime of murder , and they as i sais were released and were

10 yrs in prison for a murder they both did not commit


was on tv here as well as Newspapers and one CID officer was charged

and jailed for 5 yrs for fiddling his notebook, i think there were others possibly as one of the guys in a very short Interview on tv sais

" He was only one of them "


Thing is these 2 guys when new evidence came out 10 yrs after

they were sent to prison , think about it these 2 guys many yrs ago would have hung and then there is no way back for them


and there's other innocent guys here in Scotland and id say also in England etc been jailed for life , and later many yrs after found the police of wrongdoing


and on their appeal eventually new evidence came out and these other 2 guys in Glasgow for instance on this other case ,were released after many yrs in prison , they also would have been sentenced to hang if corporal punishment was here , this was known as the ice cream wars

in Glasgow at the time and when in Barlinnie prison at the time

one of these men went on hunger strike

and the other guy escaped from Barlinnie prison and ended up somehow

in London and glued himself to Buckingham palace gates with a tee shirt on with the words INNOCENT

he wanted this outed for all to see , same guy was taken back to Barlinnie prison and escaped a 2nd time , but this time climbed up a pylon just outside the prison walls with a large banner with the words again WE ARE INNOCENT


and there are others, and shall also be others that id put my life on

the police lie all the time and fiddle around each anothers notebooks

in some cases so as to make a better case against an accused


which happened in that Sheriff court case i mentioned about

where the guy was assaulted and threatened with his nose broken

with the wooden pole in that Jury case i was on

and i remember every detail of such as if it was yday


Remember many guys whom stay on their own or are say loners

in a flat for instance, and stay on their own are easy targets for the police

and if say that guy has not got one witness about his whereabouts

and between a certain time of day or night where he has been

even if say he was sitting in his flat on his own watching tv or whatever

then he shall be accused and charged most probably


But today some guys are more on the internet for instance

with posts like these for instance , they are both dated and timed

which helps with some guys whom say are loners

and the police then well makes it tougher on them id guess

to charge someone whom has proof he had say sent a mge on a forum

as both police and the guys Solicitor would check this out


Nothing against the police here , but ive witnessed how they can be

thats all and some people need to live and see what goes on in the real World and wisen up ..

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Its easy for me to say that because i was on jury service


and my friend later worked beside that officer concerned in security

after this animal of an officer, got a job working with the security firm

he i also seen wearing his uniform on a public transport bus heading for Edinburgh for his work at Monarch Security ..



Ask George More Co criminal solicitors in Dublin street in Edinburgh

they know about such ..these things have happened for many a year

with regards the police trying anything they can to get a crime of their hands

and if they dont for some reason like someone

then that person well maybe the one whom ends up going through such

as i type , i can bet their are some innocent guys in prison right now


As for the most serious of crimes like Murders then the 2 guys accused

and were later sentenced to life inprisonment in Edinburgh's Saughton Prison

and 10 yrs later new evidence came out , that they could not have commited this terrible crime of murder , and they as i sais were released and were

10 yrs in prison for a murder they both did not commit


was on tv here as well as Newspapers and one CID officer was charged

and jailed for 5 yrs for fiddling his notebook, i think there were others possibly as one of the guys in a very short Interview on tv sais

" He was only one of them "


Thing is these 2 guys when new evidence came out 10 yrs after

they were sent to prison , think about it these 2 guys many yrs ago would have hung and then there is no way back for them


and there's other innocent guys here in Scotland and id say also in England etc been jailed for life , and later many yrs after found the police of wrongdoing


and on their appeal eventually new evidence came out and these other 2 guys in Glasgow for instance on this other case ,were released after many yrs in prison , they also would have been sentenced to hang if corporal punishment was here , this was known as the ice cream wars

in Glasgow at the time and when in Barlinnie prison at the time

one of these men went on hunger strike

and the other guy escaped from Barlinnie prison and ended up somehow

in London and glued himself to Buckingham palace gates with a tee shirt on with the words INNOCENT

he wanted this outed for all to see , same guy was taken back to Barlinnie prison and escaped a 2nd time , but this time climbed up a pylon just outside the prison walls with a large banner with the words again WE ARE INNOCENT


and there are others, and shall also be others that id put my life on

the police lie all the time and fiddle around each anothers notebooks

in some cases so as to make a better case against an accused


which happened in that Sheriff court case i mentioned about

where the guy was assaulted and threatened with his nose broken

with the wooden pole in that Jury case i was on

and i remember every detail of such as if it was yday


Remember many guys whom stay on their own or are say loners

in a flat for instance, and stay on their own are easy targets for the police

and if say that guy has not got one witness about his whereabouts

and between a certain time of day or night where he has been

even if say he was sitting in his flat on his own watching tv or whatever

then he shall be accused and charged most probably


But today some guys are more on the internet for instance

with posts like these for instance , they are both dated and timed

which helps with some guys whom say are loners

and the police then well makes it tougher on them id guess

to charge someone whom has proof he had say sent a mge on a forum

as both police and the guys Solicitor would check this out


Nothing against the police here , but ive witnessed how they can be

thats all and some people need to live and see what goes on in the real World and wisen up ..

God! I bet your the life and soul at a party,:gag:

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As for police with guns , its sad what happend regards these 2 officers and i feel for their families left , but No i wouldnt give police guns at all ..as more innocent murderes would guarantee happen in this Country

If the death penalty was out now as many yrs ago

then more innocents would have been sent to the Gallows and you cant bring them back

when true evidence yrs later come to light


and so my reason i would not ever vote for the Death penalty either read below vv


I was on jury service some yrs ago and one reason i would not vote for such

belows part of a true story vv


I was on a jury trial once on jury service , this guy was accused of a crime he did not commit

he was beat up by the police just so as both CID officers could get a false confession from him in their notebook

after the beating he took from them bothI


they also were found out by his solicitor with several big lies in this case

instance asked by solicitor

Q/ how do you open and close your wondows in the police station officer ?


Police officer in plain clothes Answers ..Sorry what do you mean by such ?


Solicitor Q/ Again plain and simple Question Officer How do you open and close your

windows in the police station instance do you use a wooden pole as School teachers use

with the brass hook on the end , or how do you open/close your windows

this is a simple Question in front of the Jury here


Officer Answers , We open and close windows with standing on a table

Solicitor, Are you sure Officer


Officer, Yes as we dont have wooden poles to open / close windows in the police station


Solicitor sais Well thats so much different to what your co-hab police officer

friend just answered in the witness box under oath just 5 mins ago

in which he claims you all open / close the windows in the police station

by the use of the wooden poles with the brass hook on the end of it


and you are telling lies under Oath in front of the jury and Sheriff


You want to have seen both the police officers faces

IF looks could kill , as one stared intently at the other


These 2 officers were also found out with other lies

the Lie with the wooden pole was when that officer denying such a pole existed

he was the one whom threatened the accused with breaking his nose

this just after breaking the woodenpole onto the top of a table in where the accused

was seated to put the frighteners up him , and then approx 18 " broke from the end of the table in which the officer shouted to the accused to pick this broken piece of the pole up and hand it to him


then both officers sat at each side of the accused side

bringing a chair both to each side at the table in where the accused was seated

and whilst one officer leaned the broken part of the pole against the bridge of the accuseds nose

and was bawling to the accused right now , tell us you done such , or if not you are getting your f'n nose broken

you skinny b@----d

the guy upset at this denied knowing a thing and that he was completely innocent

and knew nothing all the time in such


The officers then both began punching the accused on both upper arms

and upper legs , and at one point one officer picked the accused up bodily

and kneed him to give him a dead leg

they then both left the room and left the accused to himself in a state


then both these officers came back into the room , and this time the officer whom

both picked the guy up bodily and kneed him in the top of his leg

and had sais he would break his nose with the part of broken pole etc


He changed from being very evil , into being speaking soft

in a way to get a false confession from the accused


he sais right now so and so , with his hand covering the print

in his notebook , sais Sign here and we shall let you go

the guy upset at his treatment, couldnt sign such quick enough

and he just had signed a confession of a crime he knew nothing about


The officer in Q/ had then at that very point held the notepad in the air

and as he was walking out the room with his co-hab friend sais

this is all we need ..which was a confession of a crime in which

the accused never commited


The guy was sent to prison in Saughton in Edinburgh in where he was for 110 days

and in the untried section of prison awaiting trial by jury


The guy was freed after trial in Scotland with a Not Proven verdict

and outside court as he left with his family and Solicitor

he shouted over to the some members of the Jury outside the building

i was Not Guilty ..Jury sais we know , but the way trial went was only settlement

we could bring


Anyhow since this trial the guy had complained at the time about

his treatment by these 2 cid officers whilst being interrogated in police station

that day


The same area police looked into such , but nothing was done , although 1 yr approx

later one of these officers was seen working for a security firm in Edinburgh

and then like back in that police station was sniffing constantly as if on drugs

when he was seen sitting on a service bus for Edinburgh with his security guard uniform on..


Since then he was last seen this Scottish police officer working with the MET police in London in 1996

as was seen close up on National TV after the Euro football tournament

was held in London , he was monotoring the crowds on the Streets of London

and he was one of their main men checking on their videos the London streets


This same officer had a whole page write up about him all nicey nicey

in the Scottish Daily record Newspaper with the headlines


Top Scottish Cop on a flying visit to Glasgow from Londons Met

to do with mobile fone fraud and such likes ..


Another case recently in the same town in Scotland in which one police officer

was jailed for 5 years WHY ? Because he was found Guilty after a trial yrs before

in which he changed his notebook details and lied on oath

in which 2 local men were jailed for life 10 yrs ago and had done 10 yrs

before new evidence came to light in which these 2 men could not have commited

this murder and after 10 yrs in prison were both released


The trial i was on jury the 1st one was a Sheriff court case in which

this guy had went through crap also whilst in the Untried section of prison

his solicitor sais he had urine thrown over top of him etc

and was on protection whilst in prison, and his Solicitor

as well as we on jury knew that guy was innocent

this guy i do know never received an ounce of compensation and all was kept hush hush

in that court case .


Was just recently an other officer from same force was found out lieing and was charged

with perjury and jailed for 5 yrs in which i reckon he got of far to lightly

after all the 2 guys had done 10 yrs before all came out in the end and they

also were released on their appeal and freed ..



That's ten minutes I'll never get back.

What was your point again?

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As for police with guns , its sad what happend regards these 2 officers and i feel for their families left , but No i wouldnt give police guns at all ..as more innocent murderes would guarantee happen in this Country

If the death penalty was out now as many yrs ago

then more innocents would have been sent to the Gallows and you cant bring them back

when true evidence yrs later come to light


and so my reason i would not ever vote for the Death penalty either read below vv


I was on jury service some yrs ago and one reason i would not vote for such

belows part of a true story vv


I was on a jury trial once on jury service , this guy was accused of a crime he did not commit

he was beat up by the police just so as both CID officers could get a false confession from him in their notebook

after the beating he took from them both


they also were found out by his solicitor with several big lies in this case

instance asked by solicitor

Q/ how do you open and close your wondows in the police station officer ?


Police officer in plain clothes Answers ..Sorry what do you mean by such ?


Solicitor Q/ Again plain and simple Question Officer How do you open and close your

windows in the police station instance do you use a wooden pole as School teachers use

with the brass hook on the end , or how do you open/close your windows

this is a simple Question in front of the Jury here


Officer Answers , We open and close windows with standing on a table


Solicitor, Are you sure Officer


Officer, Yes as we dont have wooden poles to open / close windows in the police station


Solicitor sais Well thats so much different to what your co-hab police officer

friend just answered in the witness box under oath just 5 mins ago

in which he claims you all open / close the windows in the police station

by the use of the wooden poles with the brass hook on the end of it


and you are telling lies under Oath in front of the jury and Sheriff


You want to have seen both the police officers faces

IF looks could kill , as one stared intently at the other


These 2 officers were also found out with other lies

the Lie with the wooden pole was when that officer denying such a pole existed

he was the one whom threatened the accused with breaking his nose

this just after breaking the woodenpole onto the top of a table in where the accused

was seated to put the frighteners up him , and then approx 18 " broke from the end of the table in which the officer shouted to the accused to pick this broken piece of the pole up and hand it to him


then both officers sat at each side of the accused side

bringing a chair both to each side at the table in where the accused was seated

and whilst one officer leaned the broken part of the pole against the bridge of the accuseds nose

and was bawling to the accused right now , tell us you done such , or if not you are getting your f'n nose broken

you skinny b@----d

the guy upset at this denied knowing a thing and that he was completely innocent

and knew nothing all the time in such


The officers then both began punching the accused on both upper arms

and upper legs , and at one point one officer picked the accused up bodily

and kneed him to give him a dead leg

they then both left the room and left the accused to himself in a state


then both these officers came back into the room , and this time the officer whom

both picked the guy up bodily and kneed him in the top of his leg

and had sais he would break his nose with the part of broken pole etc


He changed from being very evil , into being speaking soft

in a way to get a false confession from the accused


he sais right now so and so , with his hand covering the print

in his notebook , sais Sign here and we shall let you go

the guy upset at his treatment, couldnt sign such quick enough

and he just had signed a confession of a crime he knew nothing about


The officer in Q/ had then at that very point held the notepad in the air

and as he was walking out the room with his co-hab friend sais

this is all we need ..which was a confession of a crime in which

the accused never commited


The guy was sent to prison in Saughton in Edinburgh in where he was for 110 days

and in the untried section of prison awaiting trial by jury


The guy was freed after trial in Scotland with a Not Proven verdict

and outside court as he left with his family and Solicitor

he shouted over to the some members of the Jury outside the building

i was Not Guilty ..Jury sais we know , but the way trial went was only settlement

we could bring


Anyhow since this trial the guy had complained at the time about

his treatment by these 2 cid officers whilst being interrogated in police station

that day


The same area police looked into such , but nothing was done , although 1 yr approx

later one of these officers was seen working for a security firm in Edinburgh

and then like back in that police station was sniffing constantly as if on drugs

when he was seen sitting on a service bus for Edinburgh with his security guard uniform on..


Since then he was last seen this Scottish police officer working with the MET police in London in 1996

as was seen close up on National TV after the Euro football tournament

was held in London , he was monotoring the crowds on the Streets of London

and he was one of their main men checking on their videos the London streets


This same officer had a whole page write up about him all nicey nicey

in the Scottish Daily record Newspaper with the headlines


Top Scottish Cop on a flying visit to Glasgow from Londons Met

to do with mobile fone fraud and such likes ..


Another case recently in the same town in Scotland in which one police officer

was jailed for 5 years WHY ? Because he was found Guilty after a trial yrs before

in which he changed his notebook details and lied on oath

in which 2 local men were jailed for life 10 yrs ago and had done 10 yrs

before new evidence came to light in which these 2 men could not have commited

this murder and after 10 yrs in prison were both released


The trial i was on jury the 1st one was a Sheriff court case in which

this guy had went through crap also whilst in the Untried section of prison

his solicitor sais he had urine thrown over top of him etc

and was on protection whilst in prison, and his Solicitor

as well as we on jury knew that guy was innocent

this guy i do know never received an ounce of compensation and all was kept hush hush

in that court case .


Was just recently an other officer from same force was found out lieing and was charged

with perjury and jailed for 5 yrs in which i reckon he got of far to lightly

after all the 2 guys had done 10 yrs before all came out in the end and they

also were released on their appeal and freed ..




Could you repeat that as I did not catch it all.:huh:

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