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Policewomen killed today- should UK Police be armed?

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hi i would like to send my sypathy to the loved ones ones of the murdered police officers, every time my son goes out usually on night duty i worry about him. the death penalty for any one who murders a police officer, ambulance and fire service not forgetting, nurses, doctors. any one who dies while serving as a puplic servant.god bless those 2 nurse and rest now in peace, and all those who have died in service

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I'd not hang him, but I'd be quite happy for him to be urinated on publicly before spending the rest of his life in prison (which he's likely to do).


In fact I was wondering whether he fully intended this to be his last stand, since he was in the frame for two gangland murders, which would attract 30+ year sentences anyway, so in his small brain he thought he'd 'take out a few coppers' for good measure...he probably intended them to be burly men in riot gear though, rather than a couple of unarmed lasses, which among his prison cohorts will make him look rather pathetic and sad ;)


To me the oddest facet of this sorry business is the alleged killer's decision to turn himself in. I don't really think it fits in with your profile of him.

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To me the oddest facet of this sorry business is the alleged killer's decision to turn himself in. I don't really think it fits in with your profile of him.


I disagree...........BF description exactly fits a coward "big man" profile .


You only have to be aware of the horrendous offensive FB pages that glorify idiots like this to see how they get their kicks.

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Men or women in this particular situation, where they are effectivly lured into an ambush, armed or not would be just as dead.


Tragic really.


Interesting point tfh, and I think the detractors don't necessarily disagree with it but find the idea of women being killed in the line of duty unpalatable.

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Please dont insult me by thinking for me. I know what i wanted to ask so i asked it :)


I'm not at all insulting you, I was rather delicately asking you to provide evidence of the opinion you have before you deride the opinions of others.


Besides the moderators have quite rightly asked that this particular thread isn't turned into a bunfight, so it's probably best that this exchange of dialogue doesn't continue

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My opinion, is that something that serious warrants the 'suspect' locked up until such time as the investigation rules them out, or they are formally charged.



They would have to change the law,as a suspect without being charged, can only be held for 48 hrs,or round about.Any longer will need a judges consent.

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To me the oddest facet of this sorry business is the alleged killer's decision to turn himself in. I don't really think it fits in with your profile of him.


I can't really second guess what goes on in the mind of a police killer, but he probably had some idea that he would be tried and convicted for the previous murders so wanted to go out in a blaze of glory a la Raoul Moat. Killing two unarmed police women probably didn't have the same macho appeal as he'd envisaged, so he had nowhere to go-so turned himself in.


One of the witnesses talked about him leaving the scene in a car, but then being spotted walking on a road nearby..was he still armed at this point? Was he luring armed officers into a standoff and bottled it?



All conjecture of course :)

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