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Tony Blairs view on the US film protests

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not sure Tony Blair (middle east envoy) got a mention int he recent threads?



Tony Blair, former prime minister and currently Middle East "quartet" representative, dismissed the film as a "laughable piece of filmmaking" but said the reaction is "very dangerous and very wrong".


He told the Today programme that there is a struggle in the region between the forces of modernisation "and these very powerful forces of reaction based on a perverted view of religion".

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Amazing he gets time to still be a Middle East Envoy between dinner speeches. Not heard much from him about anything in the Middle East for a long time.


He's right, it is a laughable piece of film. I laughed most of the way through it was so poorly made. Perhaps they should try to raise more money next time before they commence filming.


Also "perverted view of religion"?? Mainstream view in those parts of the world.

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not sure Tony Blair (middle east envoy) got a mention int he recent threads?



My word the first time I agree with Tony B Liar on. It is a laughable peice of film making".


As for the wider issue about him working with the quartet. This is Israel's second biggest supporter how can he be un biased to solve the palestinian question and do the right thing and set up a state of Palestine.

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