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Why does football make grown men act like children

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You're not on your own, the whole experience seems to fuelled by drunkeness, racist chanting and violence directed towards the opposing team. Its only kept going by the revenue it generates, not to appease the sub humans that follow the game!


You've either never (recently) been to a football match or you're following the wrong team. The only time in recent memory (ie since the 80s) I can remember ANY racist chanting was by a section of Man City fans at a cup tie a few years ago (the one with goal via balloon incident if memory serves) aimed towards someone who was in the family stand near the to away end (they were singing "(a word I'd never use) give us a wave" for a while. It pretty much got drowned out by boos from the home fans and I'm sure many of their own fans.


Of course, I've heard racist langue used (not just at football matches!). The one time I heard it shouted loudly and audibly by a fan in the kop, aimed a player, he got punched by a couple of other fans and was "escorted" (head first) out the ground by the stewards.


On a side note, I took up the offer of some free tickets to rugby match (not into rugby, first and only time I've ever been), and some fat, skinheaded bloke in his late 40s early 50s (at a guess) stood on the sideline gobbing racial abuse at every black player on this pitch! That was only about 4/5 years ago! We were sat a few rows behind (a large group of us, including a lot of kids), we told him to shut it a few times just to get a load of abuse thrown back at us and ended up leaving rather than getting into a fight with the drunken moron. I don't judge all rugby fans by this individual's behaviour, I'm sure most would be appalled. This is equally true with football fans!


You'd be going back 30/40 years to the days since the NF were handing out leaflets at football matches. The days of football fans throwing banana's onto the pitch (in the UK), is thankfully well and truly buried in the past! Yes, you'll get the odd group of occasional tanked up idiots (usually not the organised hooligan groups, who often contain ethnic minorities!), giving it large in a pub or on a train (from any team! There's no point being tribal about it, all teams have idiots supporting them, including my own!).


I'm not excusing that behaviour at all, they nearly always find themselves getting arrested (deservedly so!), and if you're stupid enough to get arrested and it has anything to do with football (going to or returning from a match say) you'll find yourself with a far heftier sentence than you would have done if you were just a group of drunk idiots, prison sentences for first time offences are not out of the question! Courts come down really heavily on any type of excess behaviour at football matches (for fairly obvious reasons).

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:hihi::hihi::hihi:....Now don't you dare move off that step!!! :hihi::hihi:


haha! seriously I know what you mean about the large numbers near the grounds, they are quite intimidating, I have always said, there is more trouble outside the grounds, on the way to the match and on the way home, and it's always the innocent by stander that cops for it, but I well agree with you.:thumbsup:

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You mean grown up men behaving like chimps isnt a turn on for you?

Whats wrong with you girl?:hihi:


A chimp behaving like a grown man would be much more likely to get lucky with me than a grown man behaving like a chimp! :hihi:


It was the voices that particularly grated. There is clearly a special tone that men reserve especially for bellowing out football chants. It makes them sound slighty thick I think :suspect:


Im sure they were lovely in their day jobs, but when they slip into football supporter character....ewwwww :gag:

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