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Why does football make grown men act like children

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Point proven!


They are singers, yet all women can do is talk about how much they fancy them.


Thats another thread! (and you sound a bit jealous! go on- which one do you wish you were? Mark Owen?!!)

I've never felt threatened by women perving over Take That and they dont make a ridiculous attention seeking spectacle of themselves in public places..they save it for the arenas :hihi:

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Standing outside Leeds station yesterday, fuelling up on cheap beer at Wetherspoons was a group of grown men (Leeds supporters) breaking out occasionally into loud 'song'. These songs were not directed at anyone in particular but like a head monkey warning his monkey friends of danger one would suddenly raise his glass, put his greasy head back and start to bellow and all his monkey mates would start to join in. The songs were slagging off Chelsea barstewards (who they wanted to shoot in the head ) and Hull supporters (who were a bunch of lady bits).

I was cringing with embarrassment and a fair few people looked like they felt a bit threatened. Why does football make men act so ridiculously?? The looked like utter idiots but were even leering at me after as if I should be turned on by their loutish behavour :gag:

Rant over :hihi:


Things affect people differently I always wonder about grown women acting like teenagers about a tv series where vampires are having sex all the time or a book about a bloke bonking his young girlfriend and dominating her.

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Standing outside Leeds station yesterday, fuelling up on cheap beer at Wetherspoons was a group of grown men (Leeds supporters) breaking out occasionally into loud 'song'. These songs were not directed at anyone in particular but like a head monkey warning his monkey friends of danger one would suddenly raise his glass, put his greasy head back and start to bellow and all his monkey mates would start to join in. The songs were slagging off Chelsea barstewards (who they wanted to shoot in the head ) and Hull supporters (who were a bunch of lady bits).

I was cringing with embarrassment and a fair few people looked like they felt a bit threatened. Why does football make men act so ridiculously?? The looked like utter idiots but were even leering at me after as if I should be turned on by their loutish behavour :gag:

Rant over :hihi:


If a simple game, which means nothing in any real terms in life makes them behave this way then I'll say that they weren't GROWN or MEN in the first place.

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Things affect people differently I always wonder about grown women acting like teenagers about a tv series where vampires are having sex all the time or a book about a bloke bonking his young girlfriend and dominating her.


Even if that were the case, I don't think there's much danger of getting beaten up by them...Is there?

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From the OP none! But if you had read my earlier posts you would understand that there is always the 'potential'. :|


Still the thread's about how things make people behave and no violence has been involved.

There is potential for people to start joining in and everyone having a good time also.

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Still the thread's about how things make people behave and no violence has been involved.

There is potential for people to start joining in and everyone having a good time also.


Joining in? Chanting football songs?


songs were slagging off Chelsea barstewards (who they wanted to shoot in the head ) and Hull supporters (who were a bunch of lady bits).


Not something I or any other right thinking person would contemplate 'joining in with'.


What are you thinking?

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