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Confederate States of America

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They would be a third world country exporting Stuckeys cigars and cotton with Colonel Sanders as President
And eating grits with everything, even possums, till they cain't eat no more. It would be back of the bus for anyone colored. Cigarettes would be five bucks a carton, and Newt Gingrich would be President of the good old CS of A. Folks would be fined for not having a weapon on their person the first offence, prison later. MLK day would be banned, replaced by Robert E. Lee day.
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And eating grits with everything, even possums, till they cain't eat no more. It would be back of the bus for anyone colored. Cigarettes would be five bucks a carton, and Newt Gingrich would be President of the good old CS of A. Folks would be fined for not having a weapon on their person the first offence, prison later. MLK day would be banned, replaced by Robert E. Lee day.


There would also be a law called the "good neighbour appearance law" that mandated that every house had to have a rusty old Chevy pickup sitting in the driveway supported on four stone blocks, a jug o' Corn Likker in every kitchen cabinet and that everyone had go around in footwear of some kind one day a month.


Confederate dollars would have George Wallace''s head on them

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you simply haven't understood the point I was trying to make and which you have continued to ignore. Those same 11 1864 Confederate states, would now, in 2012 be in a considerably more advantageous position, were they to undergo a civil war, with the 20 Union states they fought in the 1860s.


Well of course they would since industrialisation has occured in the south over the last 152 years but we're not talking about 2012 are we? It has no relevence to the discussion


The OP asked what would have happened if the CSA had won the war in 1865

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There would also be a law called the "good neighbour appearance law" that mandated that every house had to have a rusty old Chevy pickup sitting in the driveway supported on four stone blocks, a jug o' Corn Likker in every kitchen cabinet and that everyone had go around in footwear of some kind one day a month.


Confederate dollars would have George Wallace''s head on them

The flower beds are tractor tires white washed. Seriously, the reason that Gettysburg became the battle site is because there was a shoe factory in town and the rebs were barefoot. The Feds just buried the rebs where they fell, and had to be dug up later. Most years I go there at the beginning of July for the reenactments. I used to work near there in York PA.
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you simply haven't understood the point I was trying to make and which you have continued to ignore. Those same 11 1864 Confederate states, would now, in 2012 be in a considerably more advantageous position, were they to undergo a civil war, with the 20 Union states they fought in the 1860s.
The whole thread is to some extent clearly redundant. From a distance it may look remotely possible,but from an American viewpoint it has no possibility in it. Sure we get into arguments between our regions, often on who is getting the better deals, especially since Washington DC is firmly in place below the Mason/Dixon line. But Stars and Stripes fly everywhere, as many in Atlanta as in Philadelphia. We're all in it together.:)
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The flower beds are tractor tires white washed. Seriously, the reason that Gettysburg became the battle site is because there was a shoe factory in town and the rebs were barefoot. The Feds just buried the rebs where they fell, and had to be dug up later. Most years I go there at the beginning of July for the reenactments. I used to work near there in York PA.


You can imagine the battle planning conference before Gettysburg.


Object, the capture intact of the shoe factory. In case you boys are wonderin' .....shoes are them leather thangs that some rich folks wear on their feets and I'm tired o' hearin' yuh boys singin'

"Wish I was in the land o'cotton,

my feet smell but yours are rotten.


But in all fairness the Confederate soldier certainly didnt lack guts and most of them were pretty adept with a rifle since they'd grown up in rural areas and when it came to living rough they were no softies either.


As I mentioned earlier the northern army commander General McClellan and his inept and lack of aggressive leadership were responsible for much of the North's defeats and setbacks in the first years of the war

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The whole thread is to some extent clearly redundant. From a distance it may look remotely possible,but from an American viewpoint it has no possibility in it. Sure we get into arguments between our regions, often on who is getting the better deals, especially since Washington DC is firmly in place below the Mason/Dixon line. But Stars and Stripes fly everywhere, as many in Atlanta as in Philadelphia. We're all in it together.:)


If it came to a civil war anywhere in North America it would be more likely to break out in Canada if the Quebec Government were to announce separation from the rest of Canada without holding a referendum beforehand.


There would be plenty of Quebeccers both French and English speaking who would be violently opposed to such a move

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There was a plan by the Confederates to annex Mexico as a southern state but conquering a country like Mexico is far easier said than done


same as before. It would be a formidable unit, Massive Texas and Florida, backwaters then but powerhouses now, were in the rebel conspiracy after all. The 11 confederate states were, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Lousiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, and Tennessee. Nothing to be sneezed at.


But a CSA incorporating Mexico might well have avoided things like anti-Hispanic sentiment AND the Mexico drug cartels.

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The South had no chance of winning. No industial development just farmers making a get by living. If the South had won it would have not lasted long before each state wanted more freedom and broke away when all the former Confederate States had done this they would find it hard to go it alone and would soon wanted to rejoin the North. The C.S.A was never to be but the Civil war ironed out bad feelings between the South and the North Funny thing is history

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