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Confederate States of America

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But a CSA incorporating Mexico might well have avoided things like anti-Hispanic sentiment AND the Mexico drug cartels.


For an entity like the CSA incorporating a country like Mexico would have been extremely difficult. It would have been much more than merely "incorporating" also. Probably the use of military force would have been necessary. Mexico is a huge country, very mountainous in places with vast expanses of desert and a geographical environment that would have been very hostile back in the mid 19th century. Far, far different from that of the states of the CSA.


Another issue is the cultural difference. The Mexicans in the 1860s werent all that friendly to the "Yanquis" To a Mexican it didnt matter if an American came from Connecticutt or Alabama. They were all Yanquis and Gringos.

Also not long before Mexico had lost the whole of the southwest part of America to the Anglo-Saxons so there wasnt much love lost there either.


Many of the old Mexican families who had owned lands and property in the southwest since the days of the Spanish Empire lost it all to the nrewcomers.


Assuming the CSA had beaten the north probably the very best they could have achieved is annexing the most northerly part with the rest of that vast country remaining a hostile neighbour.


Worth remembering too that the mentality of the American white man from the southern States was biased against people of any race or colour other than their own. Not a good omen for any success in hooking up a country like Mexico either

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C.S.A. 2012 what might it be like today? Well Americans would be singing 'Dixie' for there national antheam they would be using the Confederate Dollar they did have there own money in the Civil War. NASA would still be in the South and been into Space by now. C.S.A would have been a strong country of God and been right wing in its out,look social development like Black, womens and Gay rights would have taken much longer to get. Government wise it would have been the same as now with two parties and a President serving five year terms the capital city would have been in the South. Industry would still be in North with the South still been the bread basket of the country. But who knows for sure?

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