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Our Coalition Government

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Clegg and Cameron kissing in a tree, K - I - S - S - I - N - G.


Looks like their love affair is quite literally over, Clegg saying sorry for broken promises, Cameron having all his policies watered down and the only Tory that has come out of recent times smelling of roses is Boris, yes, he has been a revelation at the Olympics and I can only hope one day he will be PM, he has sheer star power.


But for some reason he won't and am very sure that nobody wants Ed to be PM given that he looks like a Tech Support geek.


What a complete bunch of morons we have at the helm, self perpetuated by the said morons who vote them in, I voided my vote years ago.

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Don't the people get the government they deserve?


If your politicians are inadequate, why not elect independent (non party-aligned) people who are prepared to 'fight the corner' of their constituencies?


You might (probably would) end up with a significant amount of pork-barrel politics and getting new laws passed would be a slow affair (would that really be a problem? - Does the country need more than one new law a day [as it got under Labour]?)


Wouldn't it be better to have a little done - where the little which is done is done for the good of the people - rather than to have many changes which (ultimately) seem to benefit nobody?

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Don't the people get the government they deserve?


If your politicians are inadequate, why not elect independent (non party-aligned) people who are prepared to 'fight the corner' of their constituencies?


You might (probably would) end up with a significant amount of pork-barrel politics and getting new laws passed would be a slow affair (would that really be a problem? - Does the country need more than one new law a day [as it got under Labour]?)


Wouldn't it be better to have a little done - where the little which is done is done for the good of the people - rather than to have many changes which (ultimately) seem to benefit nobody?

I'd never really looked at it like that but it does sound rather appealing.
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Don't the people get the government they deserve?


If your politicians are inadequate, why not elect independent (non party-aligned) people who are prepared to 'fight the corner' of their constituencies?


You might (probably would) end up with a significant amount of pork-barrel politics and getting new laws passed would be a slow affair (would that really be a problem? - Does the country need more than one new law a day [as it got under Labour]?)


Wouldn't it be better to have a little done - where the little which is done is done for the good of the people - rather than to have many changes which (ultimately) seem to benefit nobody?


Agree totally there pal, but our countries are full of stupid idiots who cannot think for themselves and elect anyone at will just because some party has a TV advert on sprouting a bunch of **** and bull and they fall for it every single time.


Or better still, have no government and monarchy and become masters of our own destinies.


I am well up for a UK uprising right now, who wants to join me.

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Even the biggest Oaks stated out as little Acorns. I'm not used to cities, but surely you know the people who live in your council district?


If you - and your neighbours - elect a councillor or two and tell one of them that you are prepared to vote for them as MPs then you could (if you work together) end up with a local MP who is answerable to the electorate.


I used to live in Norfolk. I was disenfranchised (I was supposed to get a postal vote, but [for some strange reason] that didn't happen - not a problem.)


Cameroon 'parachuted in' one of his girlfriends as the Tory candidate. [Miss Trust - the lady who didn't realise she'd been having an affair.] The local party objected to her, but Cameroon told them to 'wind your neck in'.


The daft buggers did so!


There were stories about 'The Turnip Taleban' but they gave in to bully-boy Cameron.


Had they said "NO"and meant it, do you think Cameron wold have allowed the seat to go to Labour?


They had a chance. They blew it.


It doesn't always have to happen that way. a group of 'concerned' and dedicated local voters can trash central-office party political plans.


But only if they really want to.

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Don't the people get the government they deserve?


Not sure. Isn't it true that the three two main parties are populated by the least talented bunch of politicians for decades. Just at the time when we need decent government we have no effective leadership and no effective opposition.


These are sorry times.

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So you have to start small.


Neither you, nor I, nor anybody else has any hope of overthrowing the political party system at one go.


BUT. You, or I, or anybody else can thrash the party at a very local level and any one of us (easier if a lot of people get together) can persuade people locally that they neither need nor want an MP imposed on them from outside.


Cameron, Clegg and Milliband will probably try to tell you that: "We know best, we will give you the best candidate."


It's up to you whether you believe them.

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So you have to start small.


Neither you, nor I, nor anybody else has any hope of overthrowing the political party system at one go.


BUT. You, or I, or anybody else can thrash the party at a very local level and any one of us (easier if a lot of people get together) can persuade people locally that they neither need nor want an MP imposed on them from outside.


Cameron, Clegg and Milliband will probably try to tell you that: "We know best, we will give you the best candidate."


It's up to you whether you believe them.


I don't believe them. I'd never vote Tory but as things stand I will never vote Labour again either. I've already switched my allegiance to another party (not the LibDems but they don't count any more, they're finished, toxic)

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