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Do You Drink WAY too much? What IS Acceptable?

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I also drank a lot and recent times only have cut down , was never a drinker in the house

apart from when staying in house and not going out id only have a can of beer in a glass tumbler i add


Have purchased 2 x dozen cans of Belhaven best Beer here last week and have 22 cans left


im not a drinker in the home and never have been but when i went out was a different story

and id see myself staying in house for a 2 wk spell and doing without then for one night

at a wkend id way over do it and have had bad palpitations many times in the past

with the drinking of spirits one after the other , its now i realise alcohol is a slow killer

when over doing it by the binge drinking which i admit i done to often way back

like the rest i add whom stayed in them areas in the moning villages etc it was

thought off as the normal thing to do when out was get p-ss-d


Nowadays i see the light although have a few i only have this few when out once in a while

but have watched more in recent times and never get into a state like when younger

and thinking the next morning erm what am i doing here ? etc

these days for me are way gone now and only myself getting older and wiser to life

have told me thats crazy and could easily have been a number from our Countries sad love for alcohol

but the Governments now trying to do something about it they say , but here is me the other week

in Tesco's buying 2 x 12 pack of Belhaven Best beer and payed a discount £15 all in for the 24 cans


I mean some younger ones can easily get an 18 yr old guy to buy such and then

with their friends drink such easily in some park and then causing havoc in some railway st

seeing young guys/lassies say 14 yr old and drunk out of their pea brains really

wheres the parents ? do they know ? or do they care more like it ..

I was getting of a train from Edinburgh once and train was busy , when these 4 say 14 yr olds

were away to get off at same stop and also others , they appeared the worse for ware

and the female tcky inspector wasnt happy with them asking them to pay their way as they hadnt

purchased tickets , as the train stopped one of these young guys took a kick at her


then the 4 of them ran past a guy on the platform and grabbed his hat from his head

and continued their way along and up the bray-hill of the tunnel

i was angry at them at that moment and sais to them as i began my way up thr hill

to reach the top end of the tunnel , sorty got on to them for taking a kick at that female

inspector and then a bottle came crashing down towards myself , which i just managed

to move my head to the side, as the bottle crashed against the brick wall and smashing

just missing my head ..

I was so angry i rushed up towards them and one or 2 with mobiles out and others

came along approx then a 12 of them circled me as i dropped my mobile fone

they were all between 14 yrs and say 16 yrs and under the influence of drink or drugs ?

i think alcohol but who knows ..Anyhow i quickly got my fone from ground as had to watch

their actions with their feet etc ..but quickly had to scamper away and being chased along by this vilolent

young mob with bottles and such likes in their hands ..I took the long route into town


Also once in that same railway station i was looking at times of trains against the wall

was quiet at the time it appeared then one young guy wearing a Celtic fc top

whom was sitting on a seat nearbye got up and came over to me approx 16 yrs old

sais > you got a pound ..Sorry but havent got a pound, i knew i was giving him f*** all

cheeky runt was probs towards more booze and he looked out of it then

i sais Celtic good result the day for your team m8


Anyhow Celtic won that very Sat 6/1 it was i remember and he was wearing a Celtic top

and he then sais he wasnt a Celtic supporter lol only was looking for mischief

then few others appeared so i then just walked into the nearbye Taxi rank

at back end of railway station for taxi to where i was headed


Same with when on a train these young females approx 16 yrs on the train

sat across from myself and then out with the booze offered me a drink

No i say , and then look away and they happened to be getting off my stop

and one on particular was practically rubbing herself against me as i was walking away

she sais want to get us up into the park i quickly ignored and walked nearbye

straight into the taxi rank and told the people working there about them


Young folks today easily can get an older guy into trouble with the police

I never go nowadays to that station alone ..

Edited by larky
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  • 3 years later...


Very sad watching how some of the people in that video have suffered and struggled due to alcohol abuse. I am a massive binge drinker myself, I can and do go weeks without touching a drop but when I go on holiday, away on lads weekends, away matches or even just a night out with my mates I usually hammer it. 10 pints of normal strength lager and a few shots thrown in. I never get out of my mind drunk though anymore I can't cope with the hangover and feelings of guilt the next day.

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I gave up drinking 9 months ago and feel far better for it. I recommend everyone does the same.


I don't drink alcohol. I gave up when my kids were born. I was frightened I wouldn't hear them cry at night.


I never drank at lot, but I don't even think about it now. Mind you, I probably drink too much Diet Coke.

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some of the most boring people i know are heavy drinkers.


2 different conversations


2 heavy drinkers chatting,

Q, what did you do yesterday

A, went to the pub, watched tv on telly.


2 none drinkers

Q, what did you do yesterday?

A, went mountain biking, climbing, swimming, to the movies, etc etc


notice the difference? one group has the pub. the other have lives.


But it is still frightening that some folk brag about their drinking prowess as though it is equivalent to a Phd.


---------- Post added 27-04-2016 at 15:37 ----------



I did. It was one of the most scary programs that I have watched.

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Some facts vv link




I also drank a lot and recent times only have cut down , was never a drinker in the house

apart from when staying in house and not going out id only have a can of beer in a glass tumbler i add


Have purchased 2 x dozen cans of Belhaven best Beer here last week and have 22 cans left


im not a drinker in the home and never have been but when i went out was a different story

and id see myself staying in house for a 2 wk spell and doing without then for one night

at a wkend id way over do it and have had bad palpitations many times in the past

with the drinking of spirits one after the other , its now i realise alcohol is a slow killer

when over doing it by the binge drinking which i admit i done to often way back

like the rest i add whom stayed in them areas in the moning villages etc it was

thought off as the normal thing to do when out was get p-ss-d


Nowadays i see the light although have a few i only have this few when out once in a while

but have watched more in recent times and never get into a state like when younger

and thinking the next morning erm what am i doing here ? etc

these days for me are way gone now and only myself getting older and wiser to life

have told me thats crazy and could easily have been a number from our Countries sad love for alcohol

but the Governments now trying to do something about it they say , but here is me the other week

in Tesco's buying 2 x 12 pack of Belhaven Best beer and payed a discount £15 all in for the 24 cans


I mean some younger ones can easily get an 18 yr old guy to buy such and then

with their friends drink such easily in some park and then causing havoc in some railway st

seeing young guys/lassies say 14 yr old and drunk out of their pea brains really

wheres the parents ? do they know ? or do they care more like it ..

I was getting of a train from Edinburgh once and train was busy , when these 4 say 14 yr olds

were away to get off at same stop and also others , they appeared the worse for ware

and the female tcky inspector wasnt happy with them asking them to pay their way as they hadnt

purchased tickets , as the train stopped one of these young guys took a kick at her


then the 4 of them ran past a guy on the platform and grabbed his hat from his head

and continued their way along and up the bray-hill of the tunnel

i was angry at them at that moment and sais to them as i began my way up thr hill

to reach the top end of the tunnel , sorty got on to them for taking a kick at that female

inspector and then a bottle came crashing down towards myself , which i just managed

to move my head to the side, as the bottle crashed against the brick wall and smashing

just missing my head ..

I was so angry i rushed up towards them and one or 2 with mobiles out and others

came along approx then a 12 of them circled me as i dropped my mobile fone

they were all between 14 yrs and say 16 yrs and under the influence of drink or drugs ?

i think alcohol but who knows ..Anyhow i quickly got my fone from ground as had to watch

their actions with their feet etc ..but quickly had to scamper away and being chased along by this vilolent

young mob with bottles and such likes in their hands ..I took the long route into town


Also once in that same railway station i was looking at times of trains against the wall

was quiet at the time it appeared then one young guy wearing a Celtic fc top

whom was sitting on a seat nearbye got up and came over to me approx 16 yrs old

sais > you got a pound ..Sorry but havent got a pound, i knew i was giving him f*** all

cheeky runt was probs towards more booze and he looked out of it then

i sais Celtic good result the day for your team m8


Anyhow Celtic won that very Sat 6/1 it was i remember and he was wearing a Celtic top

and he then sais he wasnt a Celtic supporter lol only was looking for mischief

then few others appeared so i then just walked into the nearbye Taxi rank

at back end of railway station for taxi to where i was headed


Same with when on a train these young females approx 16 yrs on the train

sat across from myself and then out with the booze offered me a drink

No i say , and then look away and they happened to be getting off my stop

and one on particular was practically rubbing herself against me as i was walking away

she sais want to get us up into the park i quickly ignored and walked nearbye

straight into the taxi rank and told the people working there about them


Young folks today easily can get an older guy into trouble with the police

I never go nowadays to that station alone ..


This is getting framed on my wall.

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I think it was Les Dawson who said, I have a drinking problem. I can't afford it.

Anyway I don't drink much, I spill most of it and I wouldn't say I'm a hard drinker, I find it very easy. Anyway to address the thread, I stick to 21 units per week.

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Thank you. I know what you are saying and stuff. Without numbing my brain - with Mrs Stella - I really don't think I could exist. It's not like I am running wild knocking wing mirrors off cars - I just sit in my flat slowly getting numb. I think Pink Floyd wrote a song about it.


I have to be honest - I like it this way.


And you're referring to ME as a bore??? Pffft :rolleyes:


Maybe not though as I don't drink just at Christmas; I don't drink at all. I'm in good nick for my age.


S x

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