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Do You Drink WAY too much? What IS Acceptable?

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When I lived in England I drank mostly beer, Bass was a favorite, and I'd usually put away about 8 or 9 a day. I also smoked a couple of packs a day. When I came over here I switched to licquor, because i didn't care for the beer much. I'd have 3 or 4 dry martinis or CC on the rocks a night(canadian club whisky). Eventually a got throat cancer from the cigs and survived radiation. I've been clear for 11 years now. Then all of a sudden I quit both cigs and booze dead easy. Nobody made me do it. I got bored with not doing anything else but being in some bar, talking up with others as big idiots as me, and paying a lot of money for it. I have great grandkids who love me almost as much as I love them, since I stopped being a drunken, dangerous jerk.

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My OH has decided pretty similar about smoking. He knows that I don't like it, that I'd rather he looked after himself and that I worry about him, but I'm not going to make an ultimatum because I know that if I told him to give up he'd stay smoking just because I'd told him to give up. He has to make that decision for himself because if he's going to give up then he's the one that needs the willpower. Someone else's willpower just won't cut it- and the same applies to you.



sounds like you have a fairly good handle on human nature... :-)


...though keep in mind that if he's a "bluddy(sic) minded yorkshireman" (much like myself) ... we'll usually do anything you "ask" of us, but we'll be damned if we'll do anything you "tell"us!

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''alcohol enriched his life and sharpened his intellect. He had a healthy relationship with alcohol, but it took its toll on his physical body and he died 20 years younger than he should have''


Christopher Hitchens was kidding himself - it enriched his life so much, it killed him twenty years to early :loopy:


...nothing against the hitchens guy but i also have to call bs on this.


unless he defined enriching his life as shortening it. could have...we're all "born, not asked".

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