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Pakistan Government declares "special day of love"


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It did make me chuckle a bit. A special day of love erupts into violence, who'd have thought it?


It was rather funny to watch the nutters burning down Islamabad cinemas that hadn't any intention of showing any film that they might find offensive, but I suppose it's better to burn them than take that risk.

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I wonder what the pakistan goverment thinks of the horrific persecution in Pakistan of a Muslim sect, the Ahmadis,on this" special day of love ",more than a million people, who are persecuted by the state and are regularly massacred. In these Islamic countries you have to be not only a Muslim but the "brand" of Muslim the state approves. Sunnis hate Shias and vice versa, they both hate Sufis, they all hate Ahmadis, on and on it goes.

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Oh the irony.


It did make me chuckle a bit. A special day of love erupts into violence, who'd have thought it?


No coincidence it's happening on Friday. The time to be on highest alert for these things is AFTER Friday prayers.


I don't know of any other religion that it's followers go to worship, and then immediately after go about burning and murdering :loopy: Nothing to do with the religion though, of course :roll:

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Its very easy to ignore whats going on in the East and censor revelation of the problems this religion causes ,the problem is its not going to go away people will die blood will be shed and what for ? because this religion refuses to drag itself out of the dark ages and become civilized,as the man says in the video, before you seek respect you have to earn it,burning ,killing and kicking off all the time does not warrant respect in the civilized world.

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