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Tory Chief Whip 'Plebgate' Thread

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Who said im not?

Whilst its ok for people to say "sack all tories, they all blah blah blah" its not ok to say all (or more likely most) of the coppers on the streets are less than honest?


I feel for the two young girls who were murdered and hope the murderer gets his karma but lets not start playing games here.

Had the two officers not been murdered, peoples view on this whole thing would have been very very different.

If you want to know how honest the police are, just look at Hillsboro.

What was it, 23 years before the truth came out?




I have no issue with a section or certain members of the police force having dubious motives, in fact to a point I agree, but to cast all of the force with the same tarnished brush is dangerous, if not a bit silly.



These particular officers are liars because of what happened at Hillsborough? Does not compute

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I have no issue with a section or certain members of the police force having dubious motives, in fact to a point I agree, but to cast all of the force with the same tarnished brush is dangerous, if not a bit silly.



These particular officers are liars because of what happened at Hillsborough? Does not compute


Now THATS dangerous :(

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These particular officers are liars because of what happened at Hillsborough? Does not compute


No, what hillsboro shows us is that its the majority of officers who are bent, dodgy, corrupt, call it what you will and that dodgieness goes further up the ladder than a plod pounding the beat or his sergent on the desk.

It goes all the way up!!

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I thought that would be obvious.

Read what you said again and if your still having trouble ill answer it for you.


If I believe that certain members of the police force are less than what we would expect of them why would I have an issues understanding and knowing that?


I understand that certain racist members of the public have issues with immigration, that's not to say all who have concerns are racist.


What you are doing to defend your corner is lumping the Police together on the basis of Hillsborough or whatever.


When I say I have no issues you have to understand that I'm in agreement with you on the conduct of certain police officers, where we differ is I don't believe the majority are.

Edited by ronthenekred
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If I believe that certain members of the police force are less than what we would expect of them why would I have an issues understanding and knowing that?


I understand that certain racist members of the public have issues with immigration, that's not to say all who have concerns are racist.


What you are doing to defend your corner is lumping the Police together on the basis of Hillsborough or whatever.


When I say I have no issues you have to understand that I'm in agreement with you on the conduct of certain police officers, where we differ is I don't believe the majority are.


No, thats wrong.

What im doing is NOT taking the polices word for it as a mtter of course and im NOT letting the tragic events of this week in Manchester cloud my judgment.

Not ALL coppers are heros (id say most werent as it goes)

Not ALL coppers do the right thing.

Not ALL coppers follow the rules or even the law.

Its just as likely this copper made most of it up just to make it sound better for him.

And if it had been any where near as bad as they report then hed have been arrested on the spot.

The fact he hasent means one of two things.

A, It didnt happen that way.

B, The law is applied differently to MPs and politicians.

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If I believe that certain members of the police force are less than what we would expect of them why would I have an issues understanding and knowing that?


I understand that certain racist members of the public have issues with immigration, that's not to say all who have concerns are racist.


What you are doing to defend your corner is lumping the Police together on the basis of Hillsborough or whatever.


When I say I have no issues you have to understand that I'm in agreement with you on the conduct of certain police officers, where we differ is I don't believe the majority are.


Oh, and appologies for the way i worded my previous post (105)

Reading it back it comes across as a bit sarcastic.

Wasnt meant to.

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Why didn't the policeman just open the gate?Was he trying to show HIS authority?Why didn't HE keep his mouth shut?Was it more trouble to open the gate for a bike than a car carrying one person?Just what did he see in causing all this whoaah after all its just a storm in a teacup.The police are quick to jump on this minor indescretion but I dont'see them being as quick oiling the guillotine blade for those responsible for the Hillsbro disaster which is proved to be their fault and there are 96 families who have had more than their feelings hurt.I would sack the copper for HIS indescretion by blabbing,if he blabbed this what else will he blab.

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