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Tory Chief Whip 'Plebgate' Thread

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Why didn't the policeman just open the gate?Was he trying to show HIS authority?Why didn't HE keep his mouth shut?Was it more trouble to open the gate for a bike than a car carrying one person?Just what did he see in causing all this whoaah after all its just a storm in a teacup.The police are quick to jump on this minor indescretion but I dont'see them being as quick oiling the guillotine blade for those responsible for the Hillsbro disaster which is proved to be their fault and there are 96 families who have had more than their feelings hurt.I would sack the copper for HIS indescretion by blabbing,if he blabbed this what else will he blab.


He did. He opened the pedestrian gate to the side of it. Mitchell insisted on leaving through the main gate.

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I have evidence. The story broke in a paper known for paying coppers. That's not opinion, it's fact. A paper whose proprietor is under governmental scrutiny breaks a story that reflects badly on the government. If I were you I'd sip your cocoa and assume everything is perfectly innocuous.


Or always ask, who gains more by lying?


One thing that also has to be remembered here is that politicians are equally known for telling lies.


It's one man's word against another, not sure it could be proved one way or another.

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The other night Mitchell stated that he didn't use any of the words reported.


Last night he admitted to swearing




The police account of what happened hasn't changed one bit. Mitchell's account has.


That's terrible, it's time he was punished for this.


Wash you mouth out with soap and water Mr Mitchell, adults like you shouldn't be swearing.

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That's terrible, it's time he was punished for this.


Wash you mouth out with soap and water Mr Mitchell, adults like you shouldn't be swearing.


You forgot the other bits like initially lying and effectively accusing the police of lying. And of course the fact that if you or I swore at a police officer we'd most likely end up being charged with a public order offence.

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You forgot the other bits like initially lying and effectively accusing the police of lying. And of course the fact that if you or I swore at a police officer we'd most likely end up being charged with a public order offence.


It will have to be the naughty step as well then.

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I see on TV this morning that the Police Federation are calling for Mitchell to resign I do not see much shouting for the West Yorks police chief to do the same or all the lying intimidating coppers who brow beat the younger inexperienced ones to changed their statements of the Hillsbro tragedy.Its time these university trained police chiefs who are fast tracked into these important positions were kicked out and real down to earth police man were given the chance to prove their metal.WE who read the newspapers and listen to the news only hear what we are told,the second world war was won on disinformation,so unless anyone on this forum was there at the gates all we have is pure conjecture.

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