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Tory Chief Whip 'Plebgate' Thread

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I see on TV this morning that the Police Federation are calling for Mitchell to resign I do not see much shouting for the West Yorks police chief to do the same or all the lying intimidating coppers who brow beat the younger inexperienced ones to changed their statements of the Hillsbro tragedy.Its time these university trained police chiefs who are fast tracked into these important positions were kicked out and real down to earth police man were given the chance to prove their metal.WE who read the newspapers and listen to the news only hear what we are told,the second world war was won on disinformation,so unless anyone on this forum was there at the gates all we have is pure conjecture.



Be careful what you wish for.

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I like how The Sun has printed the policeman's version of events. "The Truth" mk2!
Of coarse the Sun and Police always speak the truth and many on the forum believe this.Looking on the TV at these three policeman outside the gates of Downing St. and this is only my opinion they were strutting around as if they were VIPs maybe the job had gone to their heads as well,now I am not defending Mitchell because I don't know the man or what was actually said but the issue has took Hillsbro off the pages,read into this as you want.
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Be careful what you wish for.
Please explain,I have nothing to fear from the police,I would rather see a tough honest copper controlling his force than to see this limp wristed accountant type who are bothered about public opinion and the safeguarding of their inflated pensions. Percy Sillito didnt send two young women constables to see Sam Garvey or to patrol the Park district he used his loaf and sent in the big boys with a big piece of lignum vitie, and yes it got results.I hear no words of desention towards the Manchester Chief of Police or his officers who sent in two relatively inexperience young female officers into a known, to be iffy area also knowing this dangerous man was around,if he had used his common sense it would have been armed police no matter what the circumstances were.
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I strongly suspect what has gone on here is as follows:


1.The copper on the gate has been a typical, arrogant, jobsworth prat.


2.Mitchell has lost with the copper (who probably deserved it) and actually called him a “####### Pleb” etc.


3.The police union etc., knowing that the Tories have already mucked about with their pensions, and are about to cut funding to the police etc. have sniffed an opportunity to give a senior Tory a bit of a kicking and have exploited the situation.


4.Mitchell, being basically a spineless bully, has realised he has messed up big style and hasn’t the guts to put his hand up.


5.Cameron is desperately trying to stay out of it because the whole thing just reinforces the widely held opinion that that we are now governed by a bunch of incompetent, basically unpleasant, ex-public schoolboys.


6.Labour could make political capital out of this, by playing the class card, but Millibland doesn’t have the wit so to do.


7.Clegg is just hugely glad that the whole thing is deflecting the media from his huge “Sorry” debacle, and hanging on for a big job in Europe in 2014.

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6.Labour could make political capital out of this, by playing the class card, but Millibland doesn’t have the wit so to do.


I suspect that the best outcome for this from Labour's point of view is for Mitchell to stay in his post as a reminder to the electorate of the worst prejudices of the Conservative party.


If the sory is dragging on without any help from Labour then it might well be in their interest to sit back and let Mitchell's enemies on his own side do the damage.

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Never in the field of human conflict has so much time and energy and hysterical outbursts been produced about a spat between a copper and a toff.


This could only happen in a soft, infantile country whilst within the UK and without, billions of pounds are being wasted and thousands killed and maimed daily..........plus, of course, all our

other ' mundane ' problems such as crime, mass legal and illegal immigration, a second rate educational system and NHS ........etc.....etc.....Talk about Nero and his fiddle !


Rule Britannia !

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