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Tory Chief Whip 'Plebgate' Thread

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no, I never said that. What I said was these people are in a position where they can hear all manner of possible secret information. They are required to keep their mouths shut for this very reason as they do not know if what they are passing on is sensitive. This incident may well be nothing more then an idiot politician blowing off steam but that is not for he police office to decide.


I dare say people like you would have long forgotten about this if it had been a Labour MP, just the same was when Brown was accused of bullying his staff, the usual suspects didn't give a toss.


This whole issue is nothing in reality and the only people making anything of it are those wishing to score political points.


I have news for you Mecky and others like you. If you continue to focus on irrelevant issues such as this and ignore the real problems our country is facing, you will never remove the torys from government. ever!


---------- Post added 18-12-2012 at 11:34 ----------



there is nothing fishy about the guy breaking the law.


cctv hardly ever records sound and the dispute is over the words used not over the fact this incident happened.

What a moronic response!

I know the event happened and im quite aware its about the words that was used!:loopy:,

I am also not talking about the sort of CCTV systems that are placed outside your house or on the corner of the local CO-OP building!

Given that Downing street is armed guarded,is it not feasible that there could be CCTV of quite a high standard?

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What a moronic response!

I know the event happened and im quite aware its about the words that was used!:loopy:,

I am also not talking about the sort of CCTV systems that are placed outside your house or on the corner of the local CO-OP building!

Given that Downing street is armed guarded,is it not feasible that there could be CCTV of quite a high standard?


so you are a surveillance expert and have the inside track on what was said between these two people over and above what the actual police currently know!


what are you some kind of god?


thanks for the insult by the way.

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This looks like Mitchell is trying to get off on a technicality. The police log books still record what he is alleged to have said. That hasn't changed.


What has changed is we now know that for some reason a police officer unconnected with the event has chosen to contact his MP, the MP being a Tory deputy chief whip who by accounts doesn't like Mitchell very much.


There's two stories here. The first one surrounding the events recorded in the log book by the two on-duty officers. The second is a separate chain of events involving the off-duty police officer and the deputy chief whip.


The two stories are being conflated to create confusion.

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This looks like Mitchell is trying to get off on a technicality. The police log books still record what he is alleged to have said. That hasn't changed.


What has changed is we now know that for some reason a police officer unconnected with the event has chosen to contact his MP, the MP being a Tory deputy chief whip who by accounts doesn't like Mitchell very much.


There's two stories here. The first one surrounding the events recorded in the log book by the two on-duty officers. The second is a separate chain of events involving the off-duty police officer and the deputy chief whip.


The two stories are being conflated to create confusion.


All surrounding an entry which states several members of the public. Looking at the poxy CCTV pics I see several members of the public outside the gates (at least 5). Can you talk to someone without looking at them? And there's no voice recordings. If he's innocent, why did he resign?

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This looks like Mitchell is trying to get off on a technicality. The police log books still record what he is alleged to have said. That hasn't changed.


What has changed is we now know that for some reason a police officer unconnected with the event has chosen to contact his MP, the MP being a Tory deputy chief whip who by accounts doesn't like Mitchell very much.


There's two stories here. The first one surrounding the events recorded in the log book by the two on-duty officers. The second is a separate chain of events involving the off-duty police officer and the deputy chief whip.


The two stories are being conflated to create confusion.


A technicality? In any other context, the police would call this perverting the course of justice.

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A technicality? In any other context, the police would call this perverting the course of justice.


as no offence was committed, calling someone a pleb is not illegal, there is no justice involvement, thus there cannot be a perversion of its course.


I have no idea who is right or wrong here, but the officers who alleged he was called a pleb appears to have sort the help of a colleague to bolster his claim. That's not really something that will ever help your case if found out.

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